What do YOU think?



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Here's something I've noticed, and I'm sure you have, and thats the increasing number of people talking about "Ebay-buying" GW players. What I mean by this is that people are lazy and buying tons and tons of GW gold on Ebay. I think it costs like 50 bucks for 1000 platinum, if im not mistaken. But anyways, I've heard over and over how its either against the EULA of Guild Wars, or maybe its just highly frowned upon by the game developers, yet it's still going on. I have a little theory about that...

First of all, I checked on Ebay and there is hundreds, yes hundreds, of actions going on selling upwards of 500k on ebay. It's all coming from the same actioneer, so where and how is he getting this rediculous amounts of gold? You might say its a huge guild farming all day long, but I disagree. If 50 people were farming to make 500k, it wouldnt take them long, but then they'd only get 1 dollar a piece for their hard work. Don't think so...

I think something fishy is going on, and I think the GW crew is involved. My theory is that the GW people are in charge of these accounts. It's so easy. They create 500k in gold in 1 second, and sell it on ebay for a massive 50 profit. There are tons of desperate players out there willing to pay for it, and GW knows this. I think they're just playing it off that they dont like the Ebay buyers. In my opinion, I think they love it. Why wouldnt they?

I could be wrong, but I could be right? What do you think?

p.s. If you're going to flame me, save your time. Anyone wanting to flame this just sounds to me like an upset Ebay'er.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Farming bots, it wouldn't be anything else. And ANet wouldn't do that, they want the game to be completely different to something like EQ where you can buy advanced characters and money etc. A while ago Gaile Gray said something on the subject of characters randomly disapearing, she confirmed that no-one at ANet could be purposfully doing it, as they'd be found out straight away. So unless your meaning the whole organisation is in on it, I don't think so.

Marodac Evilbane

Marodac Evilbane

Site Contributor

Join Date: Nov 2005

The Netherlands

Rite of Passage


You warn against flaming, but you do make a sharp point here ( to our ebaying friends). I Know buying of EBAY to be against EULA, and to be bannable. I report people spamming the internet sites on public channel, as I feel GW is a game for players. The average player should not need to buy of ebay, as gold, items and the like are readily available to those who are willing to invest the time to get them. I don't think Anet is behind the Ebay selling, as that would be hypocrite on their part - and I have no reason to believe they would make money this way, their new business plan seems to work like a charm

General theories say Chinese farming companies and bots are behind selling the stuff. Do a search on these forums, surely you'll get hits.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Dec 2005



Personally I think ANet should in house control the sales of gw gold to people. If they want to pay more money for something that can be obtained with time then why don't they just capitalise on peoples greed. From what I hear Sony is going to do that, and more money for ANet.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


If you look closely you'll see that those 'hundreds' of auctions are just four or five competing companies. These are almost certainly workshops in the Far East - probably in China, were hundreds of people 'play' GW as a factory job. They farm Griffons and Ettins, and any other faming spots they calculate as being profitable. They pool together the gold weapons they find, identify them without identifying them, then either salvage them for Mods or sell the worse ones unidentified.

You think that ANet is creating gold to sell on eBay? Germany did something similar after the 30's stock market crash, pumping out endless currency, the only effect was the value of the currency decreased, causing prices so high that people had to take a wheelbarrow of coins to the shop to buy a loaf of bread. It isn't a good idea.

Further Reading:




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


my theory is that the people selling gold on Ebay are stock holders of A.net or of the game Guild Wars...Guild Wars is not a monthly pay..but through Ebay buying gold or ebaying goes straight to the source to apply more money to the company.. than plain farm bots .


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Rage Quit Incorperated


easy way to make money if they wanna ruin the game for them selfs let them do it i say Anet get more money to improve the game so fair play.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


when people ebay they actually dont ruin it for themself..able to get the expensive armor..toy around with the guild wars economy..maxxing out on sub absorb sup vigor..buy good weapons....i think of ebayers like hackers..but not exactly hacking but having fun with the game that some people wont reach in months..

but as for ebaying...theres no monthly fees why pay more for computer bits and data..and kewler pixels.

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


ya why would u want to spend real money on fake stuff :s this is a game play it have fun! dont waste ur money on fake stuff.....just to be l33t

i have also heard reading an article about massive wearhouse with computers and paying people to farm e.g 55hp monk griffon for 12 hours a day roating 24 hours a day hundreds possibly thousands of people doing this then traing it into one accout which is sold on EBAY then given to them. They also work for small amounts of money which is agaist the law because way below the minnium wage act.



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

The "eBay conspiracy" was posted months ago, and without any proof it doesn't belong on these forums. This is not a rumor mill or gossip forum. Closed.