Running Armor?
Rabbit Swiftwind
Hi I have a R/M and I normaly like to do runs from hot springs to clay and I also like to trap in the UW often. I was going to pick up some 15k druids armor but sould I get one with more resists? Would it make much of a dif or is the druids the best way to go?
For Trapping then Druids is probably the best, you won't get much damage seeing as they die instantly as they hit the traps.... unless you screw up, which sometimes happens. I still recommend you going for the Druids armour.
Druid's because as a ranger you shouldn't be taking much damage with 100AL vs. elemental ANYWAY. 15AL isn't going to really help you in all situations but extra energy will.
druids all the way
Capitan Del Queso
Couldn't get any better than druid's. The ONLY elemental resist ranger armor you should ever even consider buying is the frostbound, cause you can always drop winter wherever you are, but having the extra energy is so much better.
Druids all the way. Despite the awesomeness that is expertise rangers need all the energy they can get. If your ranger is a female though I would stick with the 1.5k druids, unless you like looking like ANet picked you up off a Las Vegas street corner.
My first 15k armor set was the Druids, it's still usefull. But I didn't like druids cause everybody has it now. I wanted to be different so I also bought the frostboud set and it rocks.
Druids is the way to go for a trapper and it's good for a runner too, Frostbound is really usefull in SF and the Southern Shiverpeaks though.
And well... I just like my black dyed frostbound set more then my druids, not because it's better but because it looks better.
But your first 15k set should be druids.
Druids is the way to go for a trapper and it's good for a runner too, Frostbound is really usefull in SF and the Southern Shiverpeaks though.
And well... I just like my black dyed frostbound set more then my druids, not because it's better but because it looks better.
But your first 15k set should be druids.