Weapon Modification Merchants
Arganim Wraithorn
I don't really know if this has been suggested but for players that only play pve I think a weapon mod merchant would be nice especially for those who lose a really expensive mod to a salvage. You can just go buy a 10:10 Sundering hammer haft or a +30 Fortitude grip. The private market can be really insane for prices and I think this would go a long way to balancing out that market.
while i do think this would be a good idea, it would need some major work done on it before it was implemented.
prices should start at about the area they are now for one thing, and should be able to fluctuate like the rune trader. however, i dont want this trader to destroy the market on weaopn mods, which is an important and profitable business (at least for me, ima shameless griff farmer).
agreed though the prices should have some wort of cap so that they dont't reach the insane levels they are at currently. a cap between 25000 and 35000 would be good.
oh and btw, never, ever, use a sundering mod.
prices should start at about the area they are now for one thing, and should be able to fluctuate like the rune trader. however, i dont want this trader to destroy the market on weaopn mods, which is an important and profitable business (at least for me, ima shameless griff farmer).
agreed though the prices should have some wort of cap so that they dont't reach the insane levels they are at currently. a cap between 25000 and 35000 would be good.
oh and btw, never, ever, use a sundering mod.
Kidney Licker
The introduction of an auction system should help with that. I get the impression that there are a lot of mods sitting in peoples inventory and hte auction system will make them easier to sell.
I was hoping they would have a blacksmith/armourer who would be able to alter the inherent modifier of a weapon for a large sum e.g for a staff with a 10/9 attribute the blacksmith would be able to change it to 10/10 for 100K, or change it from req 13 to req 12 for 100K.
For more than one change to the item ever increasing amounts would be needed. To change a 8% fast cast to a 10%, it would cost 100K to go from 8% to 9% and then 200K to go from 9% to 10%.
Having this high cost of modification wouldn't destroy the gold market, and would act as a fantastic gold sink which A.NEt seems to love.
I was hoping they would have a blacksmith/armourer who would be able to alter the inherent modifier of a weapon for a large sum e.g for a staff with a 10/9 attribute the blacksmith would be able to change it to 10/10 for 100K, or change it from req 13 to req 12 for 100K.
For more than one change to the item ever increasing amounts would be needed. To change a 8% fast cast to a 10%, it would cost 100K to go from 8% to 9% and then 200K to go from 9% to 10%.
Having this high cost of modification wouldn't destroy the gold market, and would act as a fantastic gold sink which A.NEt seems to love.
Arganim Wraithorn
100 plat and 200 plat are the insane prices im talking about nothing in the game should be worth that much its prices like that keep the market insane. I don't want to ruin the private market I would like it to be balanced and improved.
Personally, I wouldn't mind having the option to buy mods from a merchant. In the end, it will probably end up being like runes and dyes. An exception COULD be the PERFECT mods. The rarity of such upgrades should be kept the same, allowing you to only purchase mods such as +20-28 health and up to 10/8 sundering...and so on.
Players still seek perfection and will shell out big bucks for such bits of data. Let them be. But for the poor folk out there, help us out a bit ^_^ v
Players still seek perfection and will shell out big bucks for such bits of data. Let them be. But for the poor folk out there, help us out a bit ^_^ v
Kidney Licker
Originally Posted by Arganim Wraithorn
100 plat and 200 plat are the insane prices im talking about nothing in the game should be worth that much its prices like that keep the market insane. I don't want to ruin the private market I would like it to be balanced and improved.
On staffs if you are really lucky they can come with inherent modifiers e.g fast cast 5% chance and fast skill recharge 7% chance. Currently there is no way to change these modifiers. It would be nice in Factions if there was a way to bump these up. They are inherent characteristics of the item and not currently moddable, so its hard to know if this is allowable, but it would be nice.
I was going to gabble on a bit more but thought I'd better wait to see if anyone really cares.

Arganim Wraithorn
I think that would also be great to say go to a modifier to gain percentage points for say enchantments if you have a 17% enchantment 30 plat gets you a 20% enchantment on staves...etc etc etc. I think that would be cool. Alot of people I know in my guild and out believe weapon modifiers would be a great addition.
Arganim Wraithorn
A Salvage assistant would be nice to. You pay the SA a fee and you pick which item you want to receive off a given item. This way you are guaranteed the item you want. The 50% failure rate on salvaging is wrong its more like 10% chance you'll get what you are salvaging.
No I agree with Kidney Licker, it should be expensive. What you want is a cheap way to get expensive mods. And why? No doubt so you can sell them yourself for profit. If you needed a perfect weapon, there are crafters and collectors who will give you a weapon with perfect stats that you can mod yourself. If you had total control over what you were going to salvage from that Heavy Axe of +30 fortitude, between a heavy axe haft (worthless), 2 steel ingots (a step above worthless), and a +30 fortitude grip (30k), then you should have to pay what that fortitude grip is worth to get it off there. After all, if you were going to use this axe for yourself, you'd just spend 1k to get a cruel axe haft, replace the silly heavy mod, and customize it for yourself. Everybody wants something for nothing in this game. How about every enemy, from gargoyles all the way up to Titans, drop perfect items with perfect stats every time?
The system is fine as it is. A salvage kit is a gamble, just like buying keys. And believe me, I've lost at minimum a +30 staff wrapping and a 10/10 sundering weapon mod to wood planks in the past. But hey, that's karma. You bite your lip and hope the dice roll your way next time.
The system is fine as it is. A salvage kit is a gamble, just like buying keys. And believe me, I've lost at minimum a +30 staff wrapping and a 10/10 sundering weapon mod to wood planks in the past. But hey, that's karma. You bite your lip and hope the dice roll your way next time.
did everyone suddenly decide to post this several times or something? Anyways it was discussed several months ago here:
Soul Shaker
not karma, life. It's the biggest bitch you'll ever meet, and you can never win an argument. Her word is final.
beleg curudin
I have a better idea, why not set up a system that is like a latter for weapon mods, after you unlock sundering chance 1% the next one will be 2% and after you have gotten sundering 10 times it will be 10%. and every drop after that will be that. That would supply everyone with equal ways to aquire these things, and put an end to large amounts of loot being spent for the items, causing people to have to farm for the gold or the item, or resort to ebay.