I tried a search on this subject but could not find any illuminating answers. I know that there are Primary Missions and Secondary Missions for every Primary but am wondering if there is some sort of list as to what the Primary and Secondary Missions are for each Mission Area.
I.E. I have done the Quest where you go out and spy on Grizzag Bloodfang (cant quite remember the exact name) and he then sees you and a chase ensues where you beat him back to the wall to warn them. This is the Primary Mission, and when it completed, I got the 1000xp bonus and the sword in the shield. Now, I've gone back and done it a few times trying to get the 2nd sword but do not know what exactly to do to get the Secondary Mission.
Any help is much appreciated.
Primary Missions / Secondary Missions
Ra Rai
There are quite a few 'Wreckages' knocking about in the mission area - 4 of them will reveal an armour piece. all 4 armour pieces need taking to a ghostly NPC who you can also find in the area - just wader round before going to the mission ending part. this will net you the second sword and another 1k xp