spirit of dwayna...



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005



has anybody encountered the spirit of dwayna in any of their adventures?
i ask this because i met her once...

i was on my way to collect rewards from vassar in the sardelac sanitarium when i saw her, she had that green quest icon on top of her head, so i went up to talk to her. just as i was about to click on the quest button, i got disconnected...
the next time i logged in, she wasn't there anymore...

i just couldn't sleep over this because i didn't even have the chance to read about the quest... or make offerings...

thanks in advance for any info

p.s: search is still down



Dun dun dun

Join Date: Aug 2005

Reddit Guild


She only comes when your region has favor . Example: Say you are America and Japan has favor of the Gods. You won't see the avatar. If America has favor though, she will be there. Got it? Good. Now give me your money.



Master of Beasts

Join Date: Jul 2005

Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


You kinda forgot a crucial step in there. 1) Have favor. 2) Kneel in front of a statue of Dwayna. 3) Enjoy your talk with the Avatar of Dwayna.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Aug 2005



got it, thanks a bunch...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

Netherlands, The

Bambis Dont Say [Meow]


There's a Statue of Dwayna in Dreadnoughts Drift (Near the Boss Worm that has Feast of Corruption), when you kneel in front of it Dwayna will appear and allow you to pay her either 50g for +3 Health Regeneration or 100g for +2 Morale Boost.

Jiao Yang

Jiao Yang

Lunar Rabbit

Join Date: Dec 2005

thats different.. the ones in the wilderness are where you pay to get advantages when you have favour and kneel at the statues.
where there are statues in towns you can get special quests. Off the top of my head i can think of 2.. one in sardelac and one in druids.
u can tell quickly if we have favour due to the fact the statue will be glowing and floating.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

Stars of Destiny


There are 3 Dwayna statues in towns - Sardelac, Serenity Temple and Druids Overlook. Each will give you a quest when your country has favor.

There is another in Drifts and one right next to The Missing Artisan quest out by yaks bend. That will give moral boost and the regeneration.

Jiao Yang

Jiao Yang

Lunar Rabbit

Join Date: Dec 2005

there are many many statues in the wilderness all over Tyria.. but not as many in towns that give quests...