Enchanter Conjuror?
This game needs a char that can do more team enchantments. I realize monks can heal and prot in mass. And other professions have some mass effect. But what about character that could primarily increase physical damage, decrease casting cost, increase attack speed, increase energy storage and so so on... for the whole party... or for specific professions in the party.
Also this same character could use the bodies of fallen magic creatures (such as ice golems) the way necro uses bodies... would make that Useless in PvP but good for PvE
Profession Suggestion
Energizer Deth Buni
Marodac Evilbane
The idea itsself may work well in PvE, but I fear it really would mess up the balance. GuildWars is balanced for both PvE and PvP (so having skills not usable in PvP would make a character less usefull than others, simply because they'd have less options -> and thereby forcing them into a role. Guildwars strenght is that you can play a class the way you like it, like Ranger with no bow
Another thing I fear that if a class has to ability to give these edges to a team, they become mandatory for a team to stand a chance (they think). Right now a lot of teams spend a lot of time spamming for monks. Imagine them spamming for 3 monks and 1 enchanter? PUG's would be worse than they are at the moment, I fear.
And in PvP, a team that can decrease casting cost, increase energy storage etc would make casters way to powerfull. Imagine Ele with fastcasting meteorstorm, trying to get a monk out of energy with these edges. It would take hours to PvP.
So all in all, I appreciate your efforts to think of a new class, but I think the current suggestion needs a lot of work before we can implement it. It's simply too powerfull, not balanced enough. Keep trying!

Another thing I fear that if a class has to ability to give these edges to a team, they become mandatory for a team to stand a chance (they think). Right now a lot of teams spend a lot of time spamming for monks. Imagine them spamming for 3 monks and 1 enchanter? PUG's would be worse than they are at the moment, I fear.
And in PvP, a team that can decrease casting cost, increase energy storage etc would make casters way to powerfull. Imagine Ele with fastcasting meteorstorm, trying to get a monk out of energy with these edges. It would take hours to PvP.
So all in all, I appreciate your efforts to think of a new class, but I think the current suggestion needs a lot of work before we can implement it. It's simply too powerfull, not balanced enough. Keep trying!
Some more detail is needed in order for people to go "OOooh.. Wow... nice class idea..." But I do want a Enchanter class. Got my ideas for them.. but havn't put it on paper yet.....
well...it wont be that unbalanced..think of an enchanter/warrior, buff itself and party members then start hacking away

er.... Ritualist?
Hes talking about a buffer, A ritualist is more of an area control thing.
i say screw pvp. us pve people have been hacked up and cut up because of pvp so i say let pvp be nerfed for a while. i think pvp is a stupid idea anyways.