Various Suggestions And Annoyances


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jun 2005

Let me start by saying that I love Guild Wars, otherwise I doubt I would have played it for over a thousand hours, and also, Anet has done a superior job of addressing issues, including almost every bug report I've ever submitted to them.

But in the same way that you notice after you use anything for a tremendously long amount of time, Guild Wars and Anet both have some annoyances about them. So take these for what you will, I'd love to hear people's feedback on them.

1. Level-1 Response to Bug Submissions/Questions

Since Guild Wars started, I've submitted about 20 bug reports to Anet, from mundane issues like "Poor Graphics Quality" to nasty map glitches. On the majority of these reports, particularly after a few months after launch, I always get a letter that is mostly form, and partly customized, here is the one I got when I submitted a bug inquiring about the function of the Drop:
Hello Jonathan,

Thank you for contacting the Guild Wars Support team on this.

We would like to encourage you to consider posting this as a suggestion on one of many of the Guild Wars Fansite message boards. A compiled list can be found here ( By posting on one of these message boards, other players can comment on your ideas, concerns, and suggestions, and Development Team members are able to catch up on what the community wants to see in Guild Wars. Fansite forums make it easy and efficient for us to learn from those playing the game.

Thank you for your efforts in assisting us to create the best gaming experience possible.

Kind Regards,
The Guild Wars Support Team
You can see the entire exchange on my website if you are so compelled (oldest entries at bottom of page):

There are few things that annoy me more than getting this response to a bug report. Especially considering that if you don't make another response in 72 hours, the issue is automatically closed out by their support system.

Additionally, The GM-level support persons have no more information about the game than players seem to. I recall posting a non-bug related question to the system (I'd post the original but their support system purges old messages) about wether or not using two "Decreases Casting Time Using Healing Prayers" items (whose description has since been changed), inquiring as to how their percentages affected each other.

The GM I was in contact with could give me no information other than speculation. When I suggested they simply check their development specification or talk with one of their developers, they said they do not have access to the developers.

Now of course I know developers and the intermediary QCAA personnel have better things to do than answer my questions about attribute stacking, but for people who actively play the game, and find problems, why make it difficult for those problems to get to the people who should really make the decision on wether or not they are an issue (the people being QCAA and Development)? And why not enable GMs to be able to answer questions with more detail?
2. Asian Text In Guild Wars

This one drives me nuts. Though I know that the vast majority of US and EU players do not speak Japanese or Chinese, but some of us do. Why do our US and European clients prevent us from typing in it, or rather prevent us from sending the text?

Since I only know Japanese, I can only speak from its perspective, but I imagine Chinese is similar (If you have had different experiences with Chinese, please feel free to correct me).

Most of you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, so I will explain breifly. If you have a standard English keyboard, you using something called the input method editor to enter Japanese, in which you press Alt+~ to enter and type Japanese text, as you type you press space bar after phrases to convert the phonetic Hiragana and Katakana Alphabets in to Kanji (this is because Japanese has a tremendous number of homophones, so it converts it from the phonetic alphabet to one that is based on meaning rather than sound).

If you have IME installed and configured, Guild Wars will let you type, and let you swtich between languages, and also has a good interface for the conversion of the phonetic alphabets into Japanese. It's had this for a very long time. However, In almost all input boxes (with the exception of a few that have been forgotten), you can type Japanese sentences, but as soon as you press enter to send the text, you get a message like "You cannot send these characters from your account."

If you have a Japanese Guild Wars account however, there is no problem sending Japanese text from the same installation of Guild Wars.

There will be no point to having Japanese and Chinese players have access to international districts if we can't type in the language they can read, not to mention type their names into places even if we wanted to chat in English. And why can't we select Japanese as a UI interface system as we can with Korean? What's the deal? I can understand not permitting it in home districts, but why not internationals?
3. Undocumented Updates

It may just be me being paranoid, but has anyone else noticed small to medium sized undocumented changes thought out the game since its inception? Because no one is really tracking them aggressively, I can't really be sure, but I know I've seen game changes that are undocumented, such as tattoos no longer showing their dye color, or Iron Mines working differently in the last update. If these were bugs, and not intentional changes, why weren't they caught in beta testing?

Now I know people will say that compared to games like WOW and EQ, ANets disclosure of game updates, and the sheer speed of updates has been stellar, and I'd have to agree. But I'm not in the habit of letting an issue with something slide just because everyone else is doing a worse job.

If these updates really are updates, then make it clear. If they are bugs, improve the beta system. I know there are many skilled players out there who would be happy to donate there time to test patches before they are released, provided the testers were provided with good, detailed lists of things changed.
4. Ye Olde Graphic Engine

First, Guild Wars graphics are beautiful. It makes other MMORPGS look like crap. But have you ever been standing somewhere looking at the beautiful view, when you notice a giant low resolution tree off to the left? And we aren't talking in the distance here. You move closer, and POW, beauty restored. But then a bit further you spy another, and another. I would post you a screen shot, but for the instant you take a screen shot, the graphics are perfectly rendered, and then returned to their low-res state.

I have a powerful computer, I don't need Guild Wars do lower the resolution of my textures for my video card when I have it set on highest. I also don't want shadows that originate from random directions and on which I can count the pixels of.

Guild wars uses some pretty amazing techniques to get away with not having to actually render shadows for things, but I hope that when the expantion comes out, they update the graphics engine to improve the past year's worth of technology advancements in video cards, and not leave us people who really want this beautiful game to look its best asking for more.
5. Skill Descriptions

Now for a more detailed, personal axe of mine to grind, Skill Descriptions.

See the image:

Please let me turn off skill descriptions. If I don't know what they do by now, I should shoot myself.
So there's my list. Don't get me wrong, Guild Wars has alot going for it, It has great graphics, intriguing game play, the best community relations of any MMORPG, an ingenious file storage system in the .dat, and amazingly low bandwidth requirements (I've had 7 people playing on my 3m/256k connection with no problems whatsoever), but that doesn't mean I can't find things that need improvement.

I encourage you all to repsond with your own annoyances about the current game (provided they haven't been addressed elsewhere, I'm sure a couple of my above have, but I'm pretty sure the first two have not). About practical things that really need work. And most of all have fun!