So i was messing around with my w/r, and i used ignite arrows, so either someone doesn't like that skill or something is wrong..because my war does the /no emote..
EDIT: this also includes traps..and all preparations odd
ok..ignite arrows is bad
Feng Leung
might be because you didn't have a bow equiped?
Yup all preparations are bugged. Even for enemies.
They do the fall animation XD
They do the fall animation XD
I noticed that, the char fall down alot now
Turbo Wombat
I did Titan Source a few days ago and couldn't stop laughing at the signature "Charr Ground Hump" whenever they were planting traps.
I was wondering why in FoW the trappers kept falling on there asses...
beleg curudin
Go outside War camp, and watch "blackpowder" go epoleptic, he is insane, I think he is trying to shake his brain loose.