With the addition of the ogre-slaying knife I think there should be ogres...on an island...and they will all cast magic missile, of course saying "I wanna cast magic missle!" (or "I [email protected] KAZT M@@JIK MISzZELLAZ!!!1")
Itll be great fun
Closed. This kind of topic belongs in the off-topic and absurd forum.
Mandy Memory
The Mighty Toe
Ummmmm... I hope this is a joke. I wouldn't know if it was, but is this a reference to another game?
There was a comedy skit by the Dead Alewives about a Dungeons & Dragons game where a player had an Ogreslaying Knife with +9 against Ogres. There was also a player who "attacked the darkness," hence The Darkness boss.
The Mighty Toe
Ohhh... Thanks. I'm not very well informed on things like this. Please excuse my rubbishness
Mandy Memory
And they added the darkness and the knife...now they just need ogres with magic missle!