spell damage and hit % of armour

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Ive read some post saying there is different hit % for each part of armour and that is pretty straightforward and is covered copletely in the game mechanics section of the forum.

Does this mean that your chest piece and leggings also are most likley to be hit by elemental and aoe damage? for example if someone casts meteor on you does this strike 1 piece and damage based on the AR of that piece alone? or is AR global in this instance? My example s this...AoE spells that may not target you at all (so how can the % come in to play when determining which piece of armour to effect) and are direct targeting spells the same?

simply put if u run through meteor then how does the game know which piece of armour to choose? does this default to the basic % ?

I have searched but it all just seems rumours and I would like to have someone who knows to confirm this.

Mods, plz if you close this thread post a link for me ... not to the game mechanics section I have already read that.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Chronicles of Heroes [CoH]


Spells that function with projectile animation coming from the caster (Lightning Orb, Stoning, Stone Daggers, etc.) function just like arrows. They can hit any part of armor and the chances of each location are modified by elevation.

All other damage spells target a particular armor. In at least most cases, they target the chest. I've heard Earthquake targets the feet, but I haven't tested this. This is difficult to test right now.

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


Yes. Earthquake targets the feet, but still get damage reduction from the shield.

^ has it mostly, i had to add the testing i have done to prove the point.

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


Damage reduction is Global, so it doens't matter where you get hit.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Ok damage from wands etc is just like projectile damage...thats been covered, but what about magic skills that....bun you for example. Is this one armour piece located too?

(There is magic that bypasses armour...forget that)

Does that mean that meteor hits your helmet? surely this must be the case as its is comming from above? and also when you step in lava...surely you can do this naked except for your boots as this should be the only piece taking damage so I supose that could be easily tested.

Does anyone know how this works for sure?

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



cmon someone must know!

Are there spells that only hit you in the chest?

does meteor hit your helmet?

what happens if you run through meteor when the person below you cast it (does this still effect where you get hit? or does it hit all your armour?)



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


1. Some spells automatically hit you in your chest. Lightning Strike, Stoning, the initial damage of Shadow Strike all fall into this categorie.

2. Lightning Orb/Stone Daggers/Water Trident are projectiles. Projectiles have a probability to hit you on different parts of your body. This probability varies depending on both player's relative position on the battlefield. Fired from above and orb will have a greater probability of hitting you on the head, from below, greater chance to hit your feet or legs.

3. Some damage ignores armour completely, and doesn't neccessarily say so in the skill description. Obsidian Flame, Shatter Enchantment, Ineptitude, Mark of Pain.

4. Fire is a condition, it ignores armour completely. Standing in lava only causes Burning and Crippled, armour value has no significance versus lava.

As far as standing in a Meteor Shower / Firestorm, i would say the damage is either done to your chest (if firestorm style AoE works like Lightning Strike) or it acts like projectiles, and has a probability to hit your head or chest. IE I don't know. My recommendation is to not stand in either of these spells. Goodnight.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



Thanks for the reply darkMishkin that helps alsot

would be interesting to find out which part of armour metero strikes theough

Where im comming from in this thread is to try to determine the most effective use of fissure armour...so far this is how it looks..

Wyvern helm (for strength bonus)
Dragon Hauberk (for elemental/spell resistance as this is most likely to be hit)
Gladiator leggins (for energy+ AR vs physical)
gladiator gloves (for energy + AR vs physical)
ascalon boots (for global dmg reduction stacking with rune)

naturaly I could go for gladiators hauberk, but since there is greater chance of spells hitting the chest I think this would be my preffered option. Basically i dont really need the energy from Glads so not important to me to have the chest piece other than AR vs physical.

any comments on what i pland to craft? is there a better combination Im missing?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


Servants of Fortuna [SoF]


There have been many long arguments about wether Gladiator's armour is too good in comparison to the other armour sets. I think the usual conclusion is that even without the energy bonus, Gladiators might still possibly be a better choice.

80 + 20 or
85 + 10

They are very very similar indeed. If you plan on farming Hydras with this armour and nothing else, and you also intend to do it without any energy costing spells, then Dragon's might be an option.

Overall, gain 5 lose 5 is the difference. They are so close to equal it's unbelievable, Except one of the sets gives you free energy as a bonus. And it [Dragon armour] seems even worse when you consider that well over half the damage hitting your armour in PvP is going to be physical.

There was a post, perhaps in Sardelac, asking for a gladiator's nerf for this very reason. Do some searching if you want more information, there should be plenty on this subject.

Battle Torn

Battle Torn

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005



lol that would suck if I bought glads fissure and they nerfed it lol

ok thanks again Ill take that into consideration over the next few weeks when Im ready to buy my fissure set.
