Why do ranger armors use low-res textures?
Numa Pompilius
Anyone know why ranger armors use considerably lower-res textures than any(?) other armors?
Compare the definition & detail on these three armors, all shot at the log-in screen on the same computer with the same settings:
Compare the definition & detail on these three armors, all shot at the log-in screen on the same computer with the same settings:
poor rangers ;_;
Leet. O_o
zomg ANet, you fail!
zomg ANet, you fail!
they did that on purpose, they want all those poor rangers with drok druids to look like scarecrows
Blessed Winds
Their armor is too leet to display in their perfect resolution.
Nawn Centz
^Blessed Winds said it right.. cept there could have been a better word then "leet" there. :P
Ive realized this also but only on male rangers, all the female rangers ive seen have better quality, but ive been only looking at fissure so..
Numa Pompilius
Hm. I've never had a female ranger, so you may be right there.
My guess is that the ranger armors are among the oldest. The graphics in the entire game gets better & more complex as you go from the oldest area (around Lions Arch) to the newest (SF/GF and the Battle Isles).
Anyway, poor male? rangers. They could sure use an update.
My guess is that the ranger armors are among the oldest. The graphics in the entire game gets better & more complex as you go from the oldest area (around Lions Arch) to the newest (SF/GF and the Battle Isles).
Anyway, poor male? rangers. They could sure use an update.
Actually I think its Only with the Males Druids armors, Both regular and 15k that has this problem.
Two April Mornings
rangers love nature, they don't want to waste textures so that ppl don't burn trees to make electrivity to upkeep the bandwith that nicer armors would take.
Malchior Devenholm
male druids *no matter how awesome it is* always has sucky look
now female druids, OMG, my guildie has 15k perfect friggin white female druids
now female druids, OMG, my guildie has 15k perfect friggin white female druids
Could it be a factor of character size and how the armor textures has to be resized to suit the smaller/larger model?
I've seen this first hand with the FoW armors, where a Warrior's FoW armor looks all pixelated and other times it's looks very nice, edges are crisp etc. I've heard that dying the Warrior Fissure armor can make the edging look messed up, so I'm not sure about whether this was the case or not.
I've seen this first hand with the FoW armors, where a Warrior's FoW armor looks all pixelated and other times it's looks very nice, edges are crisp etc. I've heard that dying the Warrior Fissure armor can make the edging look messed up, so I'm not sure about whether this was the case or not.
It is ok Rangers are always in bush getting a little dirty anyways although I do agree female druids loo a little better than males.Oh btw I would dye your Monks Censor top Blue to match the tats it would look a lot better.
The only reason I can think of is both the Monk and the Necro being short, and the Ranger being tall. I'm rather sure there's a texture, and that's why having a huge character probably has an ugly texture since it needs to cover more. Small people FTW!
If not, ANET is right. Rangers aren't that cool anyway.
If not, ANET is right. Rangers aren't that cool anyway.
Blaster The Warrior
rangers suck in armors they look bad
Maybe you didn't notice that that picture of the ranger is considerably more blown up than the other 2..
Numa Pompilius
Several have suggested it's because the ranger armor is larger than the monk/necro - it isn't. My warrior is larger than the ranger, and his armor is as defined/detailed as the monk & necro armors above.
Rangers, at least male ones, really do have lower-res textures on their armors than (AFAIK) any other profession.
Rangers, at least male ones, really do have lower-res textures on their armors than (AFAIK) any other profession.
Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
Originally Posted by Blaster The Warrior
rangers suck in armors they look bad
Originally Posted by Blaster The Warrior
rangers suck in armors they look bad
Alotia Slipfeet
i think it has something to do with the fact that their amour appears to be made out of leather other than say iron or what not. ever seen anything in real life thats made out of leather? looks low res
Venenatus Ensis
ranger armor is supposed to be earthy. helps em blend in. granted when you dye it white, the "blending in" kinda dies
I agree on the textures being a lower rez, but they also have alot of layering and detail, I thank anet for me being able to run at 60 fps all the time. Who cares if the front of your ranger is a little lower quality.
Get 15k Druids armor m8 youll look considerably Hotter