How to upgrade skills?
Keira Nightbringer
I'm level 8,and i was playing before and i upgraded my skills alot.I gave it a rest,and now i dont know how to upgrade skills.Please can someone tell me?
What do you mean "upgrade your skills"
You get skills from playing the game through. If thats what you mean
You get skills from playing the game through. If thats what you mean
If you mean make your skills more effective;
Click the H button in game. Adjust your attribute points to raise your attribute level in the corresponding skillset, and you will see the efficacy rise of the skill you use from that line.
Click the H button in game. Adjust your attribute points to raise your attribute level in the corresponding skillset, and you will see the efficacy rise of the skill you use from that line.
Keira Nightbringer
Ah thankyou caleb.