1Pt off Max - Does it matter to you?
Neriandal Freit
Would purchasing a low req item like I have in the attachment matter to you if it's UnID but has 1pt off of being a Max Dmg sword?
Are we talking about mattering to me in combat or as a commodity?
In combat, IMO, no. It will make a small difference to damage, but the one point really becomes vitally important as a bragging point.
However, I've become leery of buying anything unidentified, as some of the modifiers can be determined without ID'ing a weapon.
As a commodity, anything off perfect plummets in value.
In combat, IMO, no. It will make a small difference to damage, but the one point really becomes vitally important as a bragging point.
However, I've become leery of buying anything unidentified, as some of the modifiers can be determined without ID'ing a weapon.
As a commodity, anything off perfect plummets in value.
I say yes, 100%. Think of the difference between 14>50 and 15>50. The difference there is far less than 1 damage, yet the prices are monumentally different. Having a non-max weapon is completely negating any damage modifier it could possibly have, making it rather useless. I would ID it and hope it's 15>50... Then maybe you'll be able to find a buyer.
I found a req10 15>50 storm bow, 14-28. I did find a buyer for it eventually, but the vast majority of observant merchants won't touch it.
I found a req10 15>50 storm bow, 14-28. I did find a buyer for it eventually, but the vast majority of observant merchants won't touch it.
Think of it this way, would you pay full price for a diamond if it had a known flaw, no matter how small? The problem, here, is perceived value. Because it is seen as not "perfect" it is of lower value because of the fact that it isn't as good as it possibly can be (too bad perfect isn't more rare)...As for me...I would be tickled pink at that sword if it dropped for me...until I saw the missing damage point...you see, I'm a ranger, and the missing point would make it not worth my time trying to sell it...because of other people's sense of value...it would take forever to sell. I guess it does make a difference to me in that regard. If I were a warrior, I'd use it until I found one better (human nature).
On a sword too, it makes so much more of a difference. If it was req 6 and that damage range it would be worth something.
It's a non-max falchion skin. ID and salvage the mods.
It's a non-max falchion skin. ID and salvage the mods.
Retribution X
If it's a fell, it's worth it, but a falchon, i've seen 15>50 req 8's max dmg sell for 20k.
The skin sux.
The skin sux.
Former Ruling
Anything not max dmg is worthless price wise. No matter what Mods you have on it. You could ID it and it have a perfect Sundering and perfect Fortitude on it and still noone would give you even a FRACTION of what the same sword with 1 more dmg would be worth.
You are better off Merchanting or salvaging ANY non-dmg ANYTHING (Other than the tottaly rare skins).
You are better off Merchanting or salvaging ANY non-dmg ANYTHING (Other than the tottaly rare skins).
1 point off doesnt bother me at all really - they aren't easy to sell though - i agree with former ruling - if it isnt max damage and it doesnt have a really rare skin salvage or sell to the merchant.
Neriandal Freit
so ID it and salvage it? is that what everyone is suggestioning?
No I would suggest storing it until the auction/bazaar system comes out in an update and then put it in that and see if it sells. Many non-perfect items are just tossed because most people don't want to stand around trying to sell something. Once we get the auction/bazaar system then you'll see prices plummet and some things rise as more and more people will use this method to sell things to one another.
As far a "use" I'd use a 14%^50 just as well as a 15%^50 if it had the right mods on it or I have modded it with what I want. Even 13%^50 still will give you the same damage output as a 15%^50 by the numbers. There's only a very fine line where 15%^50 would do numerically more damage than a 13%^50 or 14%^50 weapon and even then it's very minimal.
The other advantage of using a 13% and 14%^50 is that you can customize these for the added 20% damage bonus while most people that have gold 15^50 or max damage gold items will not customize these as they have resale value. Thus you gain in damage% above anyone who brings one of those to the pvp arenas.
As far a "use" I'd use a 14%^50 just as well as a 15%^50 if it had the right mods on it or I have modded it with what I want. Even 13%^50 still will give you the same damage output as a 15%^50 by the numbers. There's only a very fine line where 15%^50 would do numerically more damage than a 13%^50 or 14%^50 weapon and even then it's very minimal.
The other advantage of using a 13% and 14%^50 is that you can customize these for the added 20% damage bonus while most people that have gold 15^50 or max damage gold items will not customize these as they have resale value. Thus you gain in damage% above anyone who brings one of those to the pvp arenas.
or id and merchant it
i would never, ever use something that is not maxed out on any warrior. some might say "it only makes like 1 dmg difference" but then again, i want to be the one with that extra 1 dmg when it comes to fighting...
i would never, ever use something that is not maxed out on any warrior. some might say "it only makes like 1 dmg difference" but then again, i want to be the one with that extra 1 dmg when it comes to fighting...
Robster Lobster
1 point off max damage is more than one point of damage I think, if you have max swordsmanship, then you do much more than 15-22 with a max sword.
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
Anything not max dmg is worthless price wise. No matter what Mods you have on it. You could ID it and it have a perfect Sundering and perfect Fortitude on it and still noone would give you even a FRACTION of what the same sword with 1 more dmg would be worth...
Jay the Jake
actually by the math 14^50 vs 15^50 the difference is like .4 or .6 difference but since GW rounds down the dmg is the same mathematically speaking. My axe is 14^50 and I do just fine with it. And I also dont buy unid weapons! Would you buy a car you havent seen or driven? If you have the paitence to sell in game or through a auction house save it. But if your like me and am here to play then give it away or salvage it.
In a game where the numbers are so small you're going to want every bit of advantage you can find.