Something i've always wondered, and never bothered to ask.
Okay, i've always wondered why monk just don't use a full set of tattooes. Instead, I see just about every monk wear like Sacred Pants+Sandals..and other armor combinations. But with full tats, you get the most bang for your buck, which is energy. Tattooes have the same armor stats as Sacred or any other monk armor if I remember right. Can somebody give me a hand here?
well... full tats is what i've always used... but i guess i could see some uses for some monks wearing say Judges Chest and Legs and then Ascetic Arms and Feet
all a matter of preference i think
all a matter of preference i think
Tyrent Frath
because you get hit in chest and legs more, so more armor.
I like fashion . And who wants to stare at a male ass? 'loincloth'
Unless it's female, then its a different story.
Unless it's female, then its a different story.
i wear all tatoos on my monk beacuse i like how it looks
Originally Posted by Tyrent Frath
because you get hit in chest and legs more, so more armor.
But tattoes and every other monk armor has the same defense..from what I remember. |
Tattoos have lower AL. If you don't intend to get hit, they're the only option.
Lord High Pwner
While i agree that you do get hit in the chest and legs more,the greatest part of being a monk is being in control of healing. The few extra points damage you would take from having full tats are easily self healed away.
Originally Posted by darkMishkin
Bad memory.
Tattoos have lower AL. If you don't intend to get hit, they're the only option. |
LiQuId StEeL
I wear judges because male monk ass is unacceptable.
Only tattoo that will ever be on my monk is the head on, dear God those are hideous! As bad as scars on necros (/shudder). I cant stand to look at them, and try to turn camera away from tat or scar covered characters. Really just looks fugly, imo.
My friend told me that you have to look beyond the armor and see if its exposing for instance with tats ur exposng ur body with other monk amor ur not. I dont think thats true but just saying in case no one has mentioned it or wont mention it.
Originally Posted by The_Janitor
I just checked and they both have 60AL.
Originally Posted by Gorebrex
Only tattoo that will ever be on my monk is the head on, dear God those are hideous! As bad as scars on necros (/shudder). I cant stand to look at them, and try to turn camera away from tat or scar covered characters. Really just looks fugly, imo.
@ The_Janitor (OP)
And Judge's has +10 vs. Physical. So darkMishkin is right, just not in the way you're looking at it.
Plus, I still think that PvP leggings are bugged and give you -1 energy than what they should. Arguments can go back and forth, as there's not much of a way to calculate objectively which is better (i.e. how much damage you save from wearing x, is that better than the extra energy from armour y)-actually there probably is a way, but it would take a bit of work.
Honestly, I used to care about what I wore (i.e. the judges vs. tats debate) but I can't be bothered nowadays. Whatever I feel like on the day.
And Judge's has +10 vs. Physical. So darkMishkin is right, just not in the way you're looking at it.
Plus, I still think that PvP leggings are bugged and give you -1 energy than what they should. Arguments can go back and forth, as there's not much of a way to calculate objectively which is better (i.e. how much damage you save from wearing x, is that better than the extra energy from armour y)-actually there probably is a way, but it would take a bit of work.
Honestly, I used to care about what I wore (i.e. the judges vs. tats debate) but I can't be bothered nowadays. Whatever I feel like on the day.
Originally Posted by The_Janitor
I just checked and they both have 60AL.
energy > armor, but style > functionality.
Hooray for Fissure of Woe Ascetic's armor. Style and functionality.
hyori finkl
To some people (including myself), tattoos look really ugly so they need something that looks better. 15k saintly's dyed black does the trick for looks.
it's all a matter of nrg management, if you can handle the healing/prot with a full set of judges, why not go for it ? it gives you nice protection against the warriors bashing you.
also surgers will hurt less, as a larger part of your energy comes from an offhand/wand or a staff, which is changeable very fast (nrg hiding)
basically, you wear what you can handle without running out of nrg
also surgers will hurt less, as a larger part of your energy comes from an offhand/wand or a staff, which is changeable very fast (nrg hiding)
basically, you wear what you can handle without running out of nrg
I like to compromise by wearing wanderer's/judge's on the chest and legs, but tattoos on the rarely-hit hands and feet. Plus, it looks cooler that way.
I don't quite get the appeal of a slightly higher max energy. I very rarely get back to my max after about fifteen seconds into a match, and if I do that's generally a sign that the enemy team is quite weak.
I don't quite get the appeal of a slightly higher max energy. I very rarely get back to my max after about fifteen seconds into a match, and if I do that's generally a sign that the enemy team is quite weak.
Arya Nibelrund
It all depends how you play; in PvE if you're careful enough you'll rarely get targeted by mobs so a full tattoo set is the best choice.
In PvP instead you'll be one of the high priority target so a little more protection is usually better; chest and legs should be wearing a better armor.
In PvP instead you'll be one of the high priority target so a little more protection is usually better; chest and legs should be wearing a better armor.
Although I never mixed any of my monk's armors, a lot of people use tattos arms and legs for the energy then use judge's (which is 15k sensor) to get the extra bonus against physical attacks.
Bastard Son
There was a time that my monk had some tattoos here and there and some other armor types in other places. Why? Because I didn't have enough materials/money to finish getting all the pieces of the better armor, so I wore a mixed set for a little while.
Caged Fury
My monk wears a full set of tattoos. I just like to have as much energy as possible. Since I mainly play a healer, I spend most of the time at the back and out of harms way (PvE btw). I do have a Censor's Vestment to change into for the additional armour if I feel foes, especially melee ones, are getting pass my meat shields too often and whacking me.
Monk's biggest priority (IMO) is having enough energy to keep himself and his party alive. I worry more about energy than taking damage so, full set ot tattoos for me.
Started a monk over the weekend for PvE. Female monk, currently in Kryta, with Sacred Armor for chest and tattoos for everything else. She has a collector's Smiting Staff (with Energy +6) and so far isn't missing out much from not having a chest tattoo.
Armor combo chosen purely on looks.
Armor combo chosen purely on looks.
My monk wears a full tat set. Including FoW ascetics pants because I got sick of looking at the monk diaper.
well in my case I have 2 sets of armor
1: is a set with Superior Vigor and rest minor...
2: is a set with all Superior and no vigor IE the 55 / 105 build. But a double up on one attrib (even though they don't stack they do lower health which is crucial in 55 build)
However when I PvP I normally put 1 piece from set 2 on in conjunction with rest from set 1. This allows +3 attrib boost for PvP while only having minimal HP loss. Also allows me to change roles at will. Superior Healing or Superior Protection, Or Superior Smiting. Depending on what piece I swap out from Set 2. then adjust attrib accordingly, and set skills. Off you go...
I also have an alternate set of weapons for each role. wand & offhand, and staff as needed... Does this fill up inventory... Yep... but then again. its also nice to have multirole ability in this way. Its also nice to change armor in the middle of a mission when you need an extra boost in certain attribs.
The most useful profession to do this with is ele actually. cause if you put a superior on each Headset with +1. then you can change hats at will for a +4 attrib... Since a 55 ele is pretty stupid. this would be one of the best professions to go superior head gears for.
1: is a set with Superior Vigor and rest minor...
2: is a set with all Superior and no vigor IE the 55 / 105 build. But a double up on one attrib (even though they don't stack they do lower health which is crucial in 55 build)
However when I PvP I normally put 1 piece from set 2 on in conjunction with rest from set 1. This allows +3 attrib boost for PvP while only having minimal HP loss. Also allows me to change roles at will. Superior Healing or Superior Protection, Or Superior Smiting. Depending on what piece I swap out from Set 2. then adjust attrib accordingly, and set skills. Off you go...
I also have an alternate set of weapons for each role. wand & offhand, and staff as needed... Does this fill up inventory... Yep... but then again. its also nice to have multirole ability in this way. Its also nice to change armor in the middle of a mission when you need an extra boost in certain attribs.
The most useful profession to do this with is ele actually. cause if you put a superior on each Headset with +1. then you can change hats at will for a +4 attrib... Since a 55 ele is pretty stupid. this would be one of the best professions to go superior head gears for.
all tattoos= alot of energy
tattoo and armor= energy and extra armor
tattoo and armor= energy and extra armor
I use full tattoo set only when farming because it just looks so ugly. Yes, tattoo set is technically probably the best for monk or maybe for necromancer too but visual side is not that impressive. Matter of taste, I guess.
Originally Posted by chris_nin00
You could always toggle them off
dont feel no pain
i guess full tattoos are ugly , they sometimes where arm bands and trowsers to look cool
Originally Posted by quickmonty
Monk's biggest priority (IMO) is having enough energy to keep himself and his party alive. I worry more about energy than taking damage so, full set ot tattoos for me.
Or is full tattoos more of a PVE thing, for some reason I'm not catching?
edit: Duh, I just realized how tattoos would probably be more useful in, say, GvG than in the 4v4 I'm used to. Never mind.
Alright guys, thanks for the input! Really helped.
The full set of tats add 8 egy (I think); the foot tat only gives +1 and the arms +2 (?). Personally, I like to run my monk with Censor's top for added protection vs. physical (she uses Curses for defense and is often closer than she really ought ), Wanderers skirt for added vs. elemental (and a more feminine look) and arm/foot tats. Altho this weekend I did buy her a new pair of shoes. Running around in the hot sands of the Crystalline Desert burnt her little tootsies something fierce!
She has the Desert collector healing ankh (+12, +15, -1 regen, +30hp req 8) and a holy rod at the moment--before that she had a max ankh and a collector curses truncheon that had +15 egy, -1 regen. There is absolutely no problem with energy management as long as you rely on your weapon for defense if necessary and carry Signet of Devotion for quick in-between heals while energy is regenerating.
She has the Desert collector healing ankh (+12, +15, -1 regen, +30hp req 8) and a holy rod at the moment--before that she had a max ankh and a collector curses truncheon that had +15 egy, -1 regen. There is absolutely no problem with energy management as long as you rely on your weapon for defense if necessary and carry Signet of Devotion for quick in-between heals while energy is regenerating.
Originally Posted by FalconDance
The full set of tats add 8 egy (I think); the foot tat only gives +1 and the arms +2 (?).
Jay the Jake
my monk is all tats, as far as the diaper with guild cape on cant see it. lol. Most of the time the extra energy really isnt an issue but their have been a number of times it has helped and team thanks me for it. Even with +12 or +15 offhand item and a +15 holy rod.
If I did not have FoW Ascetics, I would wear tattoos only when necessary (probably never). Way too ugly. Same for necros.
Speaking of Monks and tats...
Can someone tell me how is achieved? I know it's ugly but maybe with the right color combo it would look cool.
Can someone tell me how is achieved? I know it's ugly but maybe with the right color combo it would look cool.
That's the alternate Pattern Tattoo in Granite Citadel... Star I think... I know there is two.. the one you make in PvP and the special one that's from PvE only. I think that's it.. Its the 15k armor set... I just have not seen it much as most think its kind of ugly... I like the new tattoos on the ritualist. They at least look good, and the colors on their existing clothing really stand out then...
Though I have decided to wait for the re-release of the silk armor for the monk over the Fissure saintly... Because quite simply the Silk armor with its 65AC is one of the best armors for a monk. But has not been seen since the beta. I think it will make a reappearance for the next chapter, especially with all the silk that has been being salvaged recently... But over all, the Fissure armor is the best looking for a monk of existing armor skins...
Though I have decided to wait for the re-release of the silk armor for the monk over the Fissure saintly... Because quite simply the Silk armor with its 65AC is one of the best armors for a monk. But has not been seen since the beta. I think it will make a reappearance for the next chapter, especially with all the silk that has been being salvaged recently... But over all, the Fissure armor is the best looking for a monk of existing armor skins...
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by The_Janitor
Can somebody give me a hand here?
Actually it's one of my pet peeves that the skimpiest and ugliest warrior, necromancer and monk armor offer effectively the same protection AND more energy than the bulkier armors - there is no reason to use any armor but glads/scars/ascetic (well, a warrior should use one piece of asc or knights to get global damage absorption). IMO these skimpy 'armors' should offer much lower armor than the others (knights, collectors, judges etc) as compensation for the higher energy.
It's basically the same for mesmers, in that Enchanters is much better than Rogues, but at least Enchanters armor looks good.