Are the mod prices updated?
I wanted to make sure the mod prices are updated because i wanted to sell a Sundering Axe Haft 10/10 but somebody in the game told me its worth 15k but the mod prices on here say its worth 40k-50k so i just wanted to make sure. Pls post ASAP
First, if you have questions about a price check, you should post in the Price Check forum. Especially since you can post in that thread.
Secondly, you can see the "Last edited" date on the original post, which is the last time it's been updated.
Third, hopefully the person ingame wasn't trying to buy it; it's a bit of a conflict of prices. It's better to see what others are selling for and sell around that price. Lion's Arch d1 is good for that.
Secondly, you can see the "Last edited" date on the original post, which is the last time it's been updated.
Third, hopefully the person ingame wasn't trying to buy it; it's a bit of a conflict of prices. It's better to see what others are selling for and sell around that price. Lion's Arch d1 is good for that.
Wouldn't this be better posted .. oh, i dunno ... in the mod prices thread?
You clearly know where it is.
You clearly know where it is.