I bet there's loads of these but I'm too frustrated to bother looking
I click to install, it connects to arenanet, it goes to the downloading screen and it claims to be downloading but nothing happens, and it's so damn annoying!
I just get this:
I've tried doing it through the gwclient, but still the same, and I've turned my firewall off and still the same!
ANy help who be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Installation Problems
Do you have a proxy, router or whatever?
What firewall do you have? Did you turn off windows firewall?
What firewall do you have? Did you turn off windows firewall?
McAfee Firewall. Not sure bout turning the windows one off though, I'll have to check it out.
I'm not to... brilliant with computer terms, so I dunno what your on about with proxy and routers
I'm not to... brilliant with computer terms, so I dunno what your on about with proxy and routers
Never worked with mcafee firewall myself, so I wouldn't know what to recommend you to do with that. I use Sygate Personal Firewall here which works fine.
Check your windows firewall, though.
Check your windows firewall, though.
Nope, it's still the same.
It could just be something like arena.net is slow or a lot of people wanna download :/
It could just be something like arena.net is slow or a lot of people wanna download :/
Damn, this is taking the piss now. It's been like it for 5 hours.
Can anyone explain how I can tweak with these routers and proxy?
Make sure you allow all traffic in the firewall settings instead of simply closing it.
Otherwise, if you have a router, chances are it would be a seperate box with a cable modem. (or dsl)
Otherwise, if you have a router, chances are it would be a seperate box with a cable modem. (or dsl)
Mister Doughboy
Hey, I had the same problem with both this and City of Heroes' updaters. I bought a new router because I knew that my old one was notorious for problems such as this, but it still didn't work when I installed my new router. It turned out to be not the router's fault at all, but a kink in the LAN cable between the modem and the router. Once I put in a new cable all was well. I would suggest trying out a new cable and I hope that works for ya. If not, well, it was at least worth a shot
Principa Discordia
Mister Doughboy's suggestion was an excellent one, I have no end of problems with network cables sometimes. Pop another one in and see if it fixes it.
If not, then you might want to try opening (making an exception for) TCP port 6112 in your firewall. I'm only familiar with a couple of firewall programs, so my help could be limited here, but if you tell us what software (or hardware firewall) you use then someone else will no doubt be able to help you. If it's one I happen to use, then you're in luck.
If not, then you might want to try opening (making an exception for) TCP port 6112 in your firewall. I'm only familiar with a couple of firewall programs, so my help could be limited here, but if you tell us what software (or hardware firewall) you use then someone else will no doubt be able to help you. If it's one I happen to use, then you're in luck.
Fade Moonbow
I have heard a number of people complain about this sort of behaviour with specific NetGear hardware. What make is your router?
MMmm... Crunchy info.
Try the previous solutions in there and see if anything helps. Post back if it continues!
Try the previous solutions in there and see if anything helps. Post back if it continues!