Possible Character classes:
-Thief (Possible skills: Charm, Knife thrust, Hide, Quick Thrust, Critical dodge, Shadow manipulation, Trap)
-Naturalist (Possible skills: Summon Elementals, Summon creatures like bees, locusts, nature traps, spells, etc.)
-Giant (slow as ----, no energy)(Possible skills: Smash (325 damage lol), Quick burst, but make it 31% chance to trip lol)
-Surrealist (Energy mist type creature)(Possible skills: Mist cloud, instantly move through enemy reappearing behind it and dealing damage)
-Beast (Possible skills: Melee life steal, Magic skills, pets)
And of course as you add more classes and skills then you need to add counters to these skills as well.
Future (Expansion Pack) Character Classes
[email protected]
Lol giant... Try checking out some indepth character ideas
... *imagines giant* xD
... *imagines giant* xD