1. Make guild halls different or have a special marking/item within them if you win them at the hall of heros rather than buy them.
2. Find a way to differentiate PVP only characters and real RP characters. Name color or icon are suggestions.
3. Add a lower level grouped or GvG arena for guilds to practice grouped up before they reach end-game. I believe a lot of players dont even know about grouped PvP because it's so far away and never mentioned throughout the game.
4. Allow us to "inspect" chars to see their full guild names, guild info etc.
5. Good job on showing the winning teams their consecutive wins. Now show the other teams how many their opponents won, too
6. Some sort of overall individual rank might be nice for your character as a performance measure during random pvp arenas. I know we have fame and rank for characters but I have yet to see how these really work on an individual basis.
Guild Halls / PvP Suggestions