Its a crappy job, but I dont have "Teh uber 1337 Photoshop haxzor skilz!"
Combined pre/post sear map
Erm... ok
Quid Pro Quo
Damn pre is cool. Wizard's Folly is still my favorite zone.
Vermilion Okeanos
Hmm, that is actually quite interesting to look at for me.
nice editing.
Now I wonder if those spot will ever be use again.
nice editing.
Now I wonder if those spot will ever be use again.
that is pretty interesting
for some reason, i always thought you could go to what might have been barradin's estate in I know why I could never find it...
for some reason, i always thought you could go to what might have been barradin's estate in I know why I could never find it...
I was thinking the same, I thought the cave with the hermit in Post Sear Ascalon was the remnants of the stone elelmental cave from pre. Kind of a shame, Id like to see whats left in the fishing village.
I don't think you can go to the Barradin Estate area post searing. Shame really, always wondered what happened there. Interesting picture though, shows how large a chunk of the place is not shown in post searing.
I thought the Baradin Estate was the Rin area at the end of the Nolani mission. You might have to do the mission several times to get the area mapped.
the Barradin Estate is over by the Breach entrance... you'll see remains of the water channels but the estate itself is gone. Oh well it was always a warrior meat fest anyway lol...
yeah I spent a lot of time exploring post searing ascalon. I was helping a friend once and we were doing some missions she needed. I'd stop and say. "Remember this statue in Pre? was all surrounded by trees and those drunken bear hunters were having ale playing blood sweat and tears? Now look... nothing but a destroyed wasteland... no trees... nothing...
yeah I spent a lot of time exploring post searing ascalon. I was helping a friend once and we were doing some missions she needed. I'd stop and say. "Remember this statue in Pre? was all surrounded by trees and those drunken bear hunters were having ale playing blood sweat and tears? Now look... nothing but a destroyed wasteland... no trees... nothing...