Post your Elementalist!!! <3 - Part I


ah screw it, i never treat the poor girl, time for her to strut her stuff in some 15k luxon.... pictures soon ^_^
Originally Posted by temp

ah screw it, i never treat the poor girl, time for her to strut her stuff in some 15k luxon.... pictures soon ^_^ Welcome to the Dark Side

I'm usually pretty lukewarm about armors that show way too much skin (i.e. 15K female Druids), but I've been weirdly obsessed with the 1.5K Luxon ever since it was available back during the FPE when it was a PVP armor.
So, here is my baby earth ele, Fiora Terranova, in a mix of 1.5K and 15K Luxon, dyed orange (same color as I had it for the FPE!):

I don't like the sleeves on the 15K Luxon, and I don't like the 1.5K leggings. Hence I went for a mix instead.
Fiora is only ele I've had who has survived more than 30 hours (when checked via /age). All the others were mercifully euthanized by the delete button.
So, here is my baby earth ele, Fiora Terranova, in a mix of 1.5K and 15K Luxon, dyed orange (same color as I had it for the FPE!):

I don't like the sleeves on the 15K Luxon, and I don't like the 1.5K leggings. Hence I went for a mix instead.
Fiora is only ele I've had who has survived more than 30 hours (when checked via /age). All the others were mercifully euthanized by the delete button.
This is my E/Me called Leia Opteron... she finally completed Factions this evening and now has Canthan 15k, dyed black.
All I can say is....
All I can say is....

Lynn and I wear mucking around ^-^; Meh, the blur in adobe elements is crap, Bethany how do ya do et ? D:<

Wow I've never seen this many people so enamored with themselves... -.-
Originally Posted by Silvergun Superman
nice screenie babe
Updated Reznor, from pimp pink to baby blue dye xD
anyone know what armor it is

Updated Reznor, from pimp pink to baby blue dye xD
anyone know what armor it is
Originally Posted by TheMadKingGeorge
anyone know what armor it is
kurzick 15k
Hehe... I may get some Kurz 15k for my E/Mo. And dye it black of course. ^^;
Mistress Smooth
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Lynn and I wear mucking around ^-^; Meh, the blur in adobe elements is crap, Bethany how do ya do et ? D:<
Kristin & Christie, hawtness!

Kristin & Christie, hawtness!
Originally Posted by jciardha

hmmmm... since guild wars is still doing its maintaince... i found only one screenie in the folder... ill take more and put them up more later on...

*pokes Rurik... [ignore him]*

*pokes Rurik... [ignore him]*
Hyper Cutter
Titanis Walleri

here we go... ^^
adobe photoshope didnt like me very much....

-Old 3FL-
Originally Posted by Miss Temptress
aww, thank you
im thinking of making 1 just like urs
gonna call it
"The Flame O Passion"
or sumthing

im thinking of making 1 just like urs
gonna call it
"The Flame O Passion"
or sumthing

Alana Fier

Well there you have it! Alana! <.< Nothing special! I'm not fancy with photoshop like all you people! Well enjoy!

Alana Fier
Oh christie I <3 the way you edited that pic with u and that other elly! Props!
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Lynn and I wear mucking around ^-^; Meh, the blur in adobe elements is crap, Bethany how do ya do et ? D:<
Play with the burner tool, and scorch the shadows and bring out the highlights. That and lots of layers of shadows and you'll achieve the same effect she does.

Originally Posted by Nevin
Play with the burner tool, and scorch the shadows and bring out the highlights. That and lots of layers of shadows and you'll achieve the same effect she does.
burner affect? O.o;
15k kurzick and cantha is all i need then im gonan try ge fow lol
~Another play char, I think someone had a similar name to this char..i donno..lol

Amity and Truth
My Watermage:
And for some reason she was a bit reluctant to show her face while Cynn was around. Psssst, don't tell her...
And for some reason she was a bit reluctant to show her face while Cynn was around. Psssst, don't tell her...
-Old 3FL-
^last 1 made me lol

-Old 3FL-
Christie and Temptress spoil their eles too much ^____^
which is NOT a bad thing imo~
i would make 1
but i havent the funds =(
noyl got 100gp roflmaos
which is NOT a bad thing imo~

i would make 1
but i havent the funds =(
noyl got 100gp roflmaos
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
Christie and Temptress spoil their eles too much ^____^
which is NOT a bad thing imo~
i would make 1
but i havent the funds =(
noyl got 100gp roflmaos Lol, I guess I spoil Christie, well I used to anyway but I still do xD, I've been spoiling my "neglected" chars, tehehe, i need to buy some new weapons, i kinda hate the greens...lol
i saw you in grotto today o_o; lol!!
which is NOT a bad thing imo~

i would make 1
but i havent the funds =(
noyl got 100gp roflmaos Lol, I guess I spoil Christie, well I used to anyway but I still do xD, I've been spoiling my "neglected" chars, tehehe, i need to buy some new weapons, i kinda hate the greens...lol
i saw you in grotto today o_o; lol!!
-Old 3FL-
Go me
*adds christie to list*
Go me

*adds christie to list*
15K Canthan skirt, 1.5K Kurzick everything else. I was trying for a dye combo that matched the flower in her hair. But I think the pink is a little overwhelming to the eye. Ah well.
-Old 3FL-
^i reckon thats a good combo
and i like pink
you must be a real man to admit you love hot Pink
and i like pink
you must be a real man to admit you love hot Pink

-Old 3FL-
edit : wrong impression
-Old 3FL-
edit : gave wrong impression
-Old 3FL-
edit : gave wrong impression
i bought my ele another set of 15k armor...*argh... i cant help it anymore!!*
I <3 armor so much...

-Old 3FL-

This is my ele with Jade Sea Themed 15k hydromancers. How does it look?
Originally Posted by Rex the Unloving
lol im the only one without an ele probably, pfft there not cool anyway.
lol, I also have not eles. The ones I had were alwaya mules that got deleted after a while
But to tell you the truth, that 15k Canthan armor is tempteing me to make a female ele just to have it.
But to tell you the truth, that 15k Canthan armor is tempteing me to make a female ele just to have it.
Moa Bird Cultist
Originally Posted by jciardha
15K Canthan skirt, 1.5K Kurzick everything else. I was trying for a dye combo that matched the flower in her hair. But I think the pink is a little overwhelming to the eye. Ah well. OH MY GOD, That is perfect! love the armour combo, really do

Lady Lozza
hmmm 15k Kurzick or 15k Luxon for my ele...
definately 15k cathan