Can anyone verify if the Druid's Gear sold in Marhan's Grotto actually looks any different than the normal 1.5p set?
A screenshot of a ranger with the 15p druid's gear set would be awesome.
-Dasein Jubatus.
15p Ranger Druid's Gear Set
Pevil Lihatuh
i second this, druids is definately the one i want to buy, but right now i'm saving up for the Droknar forge one. If this one looks different however I'll just save up for the really expensive one... if not i'm going with droknars
Surely someone out there has done it by now?

Surely someone out there has done it by now?

vest looks same
bought it
bought it
Bummer. I had a feeling it did.
-Dasein Jubatus.
-Dasein Jubatus.
I bought the 15p druid boots just to check and wanted to upgrade my older boots anyway, and they are exactly the same as the regular. So, save your cash.
yeah it must be bugged or something other classes armor doe have a different look
saving 15k for a leather vest to double-check
saving 15k for a leather vest to double-check