Is it possible to create a guild on a PvP character?
Isaac Lunoa
I am going to make a new guild, and I was wondering if it's possible to make it on a PvP character. Everyone knows me by one of my PvP names, so I thought it would be easier. I know I can make the guild, quit, and rejoin on a PvP, but I would prefer not to. Thanks for any help.
Nope. Just create one on a PvE character -.-".
hi die
NO! you cant do thet! you need to do it whit a PvE player
i could help you make a new guild with a pvp name. i'll make the guild then invite you with your pvp name then make you leader ^.^
Isaac Lunoa
Okay, thanks.
Isaac Lunoa
No thanks, MC. Thanks for the offer though. ^^
Retribution X
no. as all the guild creaters are in cities, and you can't reach cities on a PvP character.
Make a PvE character using your PvP name, rush through pre-searing, which is very easy to do. You will be able to start a guild as soon as you get to Ascalon, and it will bear your sacred PvP name.
Mandy Memory
M C's idea is the best....just have a friend do it
Originally Posted by darkMishkin
Make a PvE character using your PvP name, rush through pre-searing, which is very easy to do. You will be able to start a guild as soon as you get to Ascalon, and it will bear your sacred PvP name.
i think u still can =D
This as all gotten a little ridiculous to be honest.
- A gw account has can only be a member of one guild at any one time. Make a guild with one of your chars, and all your pvp pve pvwhatever characters will also be in that guild.
- If you want to have your guild status say "Guild formed by My Pvp Char", then as I said you'll have to make a pve char called "My Pvp Char", create your guild then reroll your pvp character again. At no point do you risk losing your name, either.