Posting Pics
How do i post my pics on the forums?
Upload them somewhere and use the "Insert Image" option in the taskbar. Put the adress of the image in that and it should appear ^^
You can also Attach images to post's your making. You can't do this via Quick Reply however - make sure you "Go Advanced" and then down the bottom in the "Additional Options" section there will be a button to "Manage attachments".. click that and you can upload images to the GWG server. This will then leave a "file attached" to your post.
But easiest way would be to upload them to a online server.. like .. whenever you upload a file from there it gives you the link codes you'll need to display the image in a forum
But easiest way would be to upload them to a online server.. like .. whenever you upload a file from there it gives you the link codes you'll need to display the image in a forum
awesome both of u! had no idea thou till that link was given lol not to familiar with postin pics but ty both
LiQuId StEeL
looking good other than the size
Make sure you dont hit resize, and have already resaved as a .jpg image... should make it the right size
Make sure you dont hit resize, and have already resaved as a .jpg image... should make it the right size