mirror image is just TOO HARD!
Jackal Mikeson
How the hell are you suppost to beat it when it does twice as much damage with its skill as you do?
Mirror image is easy. They are too stupid. Just change to skills that need stratagy. I dropped mine in 5 seconds :-)
Pevil Lihatuh
lol they are tough lil beasts but its stupidly easy once you figure out a way
*possible spoiler*
For example my ranger/mesmer couldn't do a thing, i could heal fast enough, i couldn't take the damage... until i found they swap between ranged and melee. Put on all arrow skills, troll unguent and healing springs as only heals. Run up to mirror. They can now use only troll and springs. springs is easily interrupted, so since im only attacking him, he can't possibly cast that. So the only thing he can do is cast troll. I have distracting shot... he can't heal at all... down he goes
*possible spoiler*
For example my ranger/mesmer couldn't do a thing, i could heal fast enough, i couldn't take the damage... until i found they swap between ranged and melee. Put on all arrow skills, troll unguent and healing springs as only heals. Run up to mirror. They can now use only troll and springs. springs is easily interrupted, so since im only attacking him, he can't possibly cast that. So the only thing he can do is cast troll. I have distracting shot... he can't heal at all... down he goes

Keep a few things in mind when prepping to fight the mirror image:
1. If you have a skill on your bar, it will use it without thinking. That means you can drain its energy with worthless enchantments or trick it into sacrificing its health.
2. If you have weapons in your inventory, it will use those. Make sure they suck.
3. It's no smarter than any other monster.
You may have to fiddle with your attributes or go fishing around for necessary skills, but you can do it. As daunting as it may seem at first, I was amazed at how fast the thing died after I tricked it into sacrificing 55% of its max health.
If all else fails, go to Destiny's Gorge, Seeker's Passage of Hero's Audience and do one of the quests to switch your secondary class to something more useful (i.e. mesmer, necro). You can switch it back with the appropriate quest any time you like.
1. If you have a skill on your bar, it will use it without thinking. That means you can drain its energy with worthless enchantments or trick it into sacrificing its health.
2. If you have weapons in your inventory, it will use those. Make sure they suck.
3. It's no smarter than any other monster.
You may have to fiddle with your attributes or go fishing around for necessary skills, but you can do it. As daunting as it may seem at first, I was amazed at how fast the thing died after I tricked it into sacrificing 55% of its max health.
If all else fails, go to Destiny's Gorge, Seeker's Passage of Hero's Audience and do one of the quests to switch your secondary class to something more useful (i.e. mesmer, necro). You can switch it back with the appropriate quest any time you like.
Good tips 
BTW It's no hard , just use the right tactic
with my E/W i can beat him in 15 sec

BTW It's no hard , just use the right tactic

with my E/W i can beat him in 15 sec
Jackal Mikeson
i managed to kill it finally by only equiping a few skills (firestorm being one since i can run out of it while he only stands there.
There are plenty of useful tactics/considerations.
1. Load up on useless skills as sometimes the mirror will wast time casting them. Rangers can load up on nature rituals, penetrating shot, distracting shot. Let the mirror cast the rituals then distract it when it uses penetrating shot.
2. If you're an elmenatlist use ether renewal, aura of restoration, mark of rodgort and a fire wand. Also, you can always just use flare, aura of restoration and ether renewal. It's so dumb that it will rarely cast flare after it uses ether renewal.
1. Load up on useless skills as sometimes the mirror will wast time casting them. Rangers can load up on nature rituals, penetrating shot, distracting shot. Let the mirror cast the rituals then distract it when it uses penetrating shot.
2. If you're an elmenatlist use ether renewal, aura of restoration, mark of rodgort and a fire wand. Also, you can always just use flare, aura of restoration and ether renewal. It's so dumb that it will rarely cast flare after it uses ether renewal.
Big Bad Wolf
I beat it the first try (W/Mo). I loaded up on holy wrath, retribution, heal area as only heal, and a bunch of crap skills that do nothing btu eat mana. If he tried to heal he would heal me just as much, every time he hit me he took 99% of the dmg back, and I was hitting him. Took maybe 10 seconds and he was dead.
If you have Mo do that, if you have N load up on all sacrifice spells. if mes load up on enchantments and use shatter for uber dmg.
If you have Mo do that, if you have N load up on all sacrifice spells. if mes load up on enchantments and use shatter for uber dmg.
Not another mirror thread!
I tried it again last night with all my regular skills. Owned him.
Sir Maddox
Originally Posted by Jericho
2. If you have weapons in your inventory, it will use those. Make sure they suck. |

It's near impossible to beat the lvl 20 mirror with lvl 3 if you lag since your strafe gets owned by ping.

most confusing when i met my mirror on my N/R, he had a bow that dealt 40-85 damage to me and i had no such weapon in my pack, wierd.
Lvl 20 Mirror has 15 in all attributes, ALL attributes, not just your own class. The only things that you two share are the 8 skill slot.
Guess it depends on the class.
I dropped mine twice in a row, first time I did it I didnt even realize it was my mirror image it was so easy.
The second time I did it again and beat it again.
I guess its the unique W/Mo build I have. He was not able to(or just didnt use) Defy Pain, so I whacked him hard with frenzy, juiced up 300 hp when I was low, and then knocked him out.
I dropped mine twice in a row, first time I did it I didnt even realize it was my mirror image it was so easy.
The second time I did it again and beat it again.
I guess its the unique W/Mo build I have. He was not able to(or just didnt use) Defy Pain, so I whacked him hard with frenzy, juiced up 300 hp when I was low, and then knocked him out.
Sir Maddox
Originally Posted by Sir Maddox
Well I'll be damned. Thanks so much for making that known. I have like 4 golden weapons in my inventory and I just couldn't take him on without him slaughtering me with a MASSIVE bow. Turns out it's mine. This'll help so very much. Thanks.
![]() |
So....I lied. That didn't work. No bows in my inventory...and sure enough..he shot me down with a bow..again..and again.

Mirror self my arse.
I know it really is poorly named then. He should have your level attributes skills and weapons. That is what a SELF MIRROR is.
Originally Posted by iotc247
I know it really is poorly named then. He should have your level attributes skills and weapons. That is what a SELF MIRROR is.
I beat the mirror first time with N/E and I didn't even think about it, but my R/Me got owned untill I figured out the right combo of skills to use.
The mirror can be either really easy or really hard, alot of it depends on the class you are.
Some class's don't actually require a great deal of thought others do. IMHO the mirror is no the best balanced aspect of the game, but it is doable by all classes.
The mirror can be either really easy or really hard, alot of it depends on the class you are.
Some class's don't actually require a great deal of thought others do. IMHO the mirror is no the best balanced aspect of the game, but it is doable by all classes.
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Then they should just call it "Pushover".
I took mine down in 12 seconds, firestorm and phoenix at the right time, just before he started to heal himself, bam i gave him a phoenix, then it was just bashing on him and he went down in no time.

ok im sure most of these people saying that the mirror self is easy are probably using a warrior. the warrior mirror self is easy and ranger isnt too diffcult. this is because you have similar weapons that do similar damage. but try doing it with a monk or mesmer as your primary. youre trying to use a staff or wand while hes using a chaos axe or a bow that does 2 or 3 times the damage of your weapon. and changing your attributes doesnt help execpt to make certain skill stronger for you. i tried lowering the fast casting on my mesmer and he kept casting at his normal speed. if anyone thinks that the mirror is easy then you should probably try it with a support profession like monk or mesmer. it will probably change your mind.
For my Mo/Me I used 3 skills; healing breeze, backfire and empathy.
Devil's Dictionary
Mirror Images are not really your mirrors. Although they have the same skills as you have on your skill belt, something is wrong.
As I faced it with my Mesmer (empty inventory. I didn't have a weapon equipped), he shot me with a bow and chased me around with a chaos axe. I did the following:
I equipped Hex Breaker and filled the rest of the skill belt with a lot of slow-casting hexes. Weaponless, I simply stood in a corner, constantly using Hex Breaker. I lost 100 hp (bow). He was killed.
I also noticed that having myself 7 in Fast Casting, I was casting faster than my double. I believe he didn't have Fast Casting at all.
As I faced it with my Mesmer (empty inventory. I didn't have a weapon equipped), he shot me with a bow and chased me around with a chaos axe. I did the following:
I equipped Hex Breaker and filled the rest of the skill belt with a lot of slow-casting hexes. Weaponless, I simply stood in a corner, constantly using Hex Breaker. I lost 100 hp (bow). He was killed.
I also noticed that having myself 7 in Fast Casting, I was casting faster than my double. I believe he didn't have Fast Casting at all.
well im a Ra/Me
i brought 4 spells
Chaos Storm, Throw Dirt, Storm Chaser, and Dual Shot
Hed run up on me, wed blind each other...
i would then stand there and use chaos storm
which he never uses
just as storm stops and dirt wears off
chaos storm to the top
he doesnt follow
dual shot from top
he will then use chaos to sprint to me
blind, chaos, and dead
get it
use chaos storm
and no heals...duh
i brought 4 spells
Chaos Storm, Throw Dirt, Storm Chaser, and Dual Shot
Hed run up on me, wed blind each other...
i would then stand there and use chaos storm
which he never uses
just as storm stops and dirt wears off
chaos storm to the top
he doesnt follow
dual shot from top
he will then use chaos to sprint to me
blind, chaos, and dead
get it
use chaos storm
and no heals...duh
Originally Posted by Jericho
Keep a few things in mind when prepping to fight the mirror image:
1. If you have a skill on your bar, it will use it without thinking. That means you can drain its energy with worthless enchantments or trick it into sacrificing its health. 2. If you have weapons in your inventory, it will use those. Make sure they suck. 3. It's no smarter than any other monster. |
OP... you didn't list your classes so I didn't contribute any words of wisdom. But mirror threads also pop up in the Gladiator's Arena forum, so check there for more strat hints.

Hmm, hex breaker... Thats a good idea, thanks for that idea Death, next time I try that with a mesmer.