01 Feb 2006 at 12:58 - 14
Holy crap that is one bad signet.
Aaaaanyways, the skill that destroys spirits right out is an elite ritualist skill. only 5 energy, target touched spirit is destroyed, and nearby party members are healed for at least around 100. thing is, this skill has a VERY short recharge time. When factions is released, if many builds end up being heavily spirit reliant, this skill + spirit walk will really mess them up. Wouldn't take one person long to teleport and saw through every enemy spirit whilst healing the party. I forsee this getting dented with the nerf bat, most likely by significantly increasing recharge time. Heh. I would have used this during factions preview weekend, but aboRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOely no ritualist i ever ran into bothered to bring anti-interrupt, and interrupting their long spirit casts proved to work just fine, and it's not like the spirits are very tough in the first place.