Questions from the past.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Apr 2005

I was one of GW faithful back during the beta events. I loved how I could pve and pvp to my hearts content and wasn't forced to do either in order to compete I purchased the special eddition version and gave the game praise to all my friends. The weekend beta events ended and release came soon after. I went from happy to disgruntled fairly quickly as competeing in pvp meant many many hours farming skills off of bosses. Your first task was finding these bosses which could be annoying, but even if you did find them they wouldn't use the skill you wanted so you couldn't capture it. I grew fed up like most of my guildmates and left the game. I recently had some major knee surgery and was kicking around putting it back on my comp to give it a try since I don't have the time to put into a true mmo. Is the game less time consuming now? Can I compete in pvp without having to farm countless bosses? Do I have a chance of maxing out a profesions skills in under 100 hours?

ps try to ignore typing errors, my medication is pretty strong.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


Not really. I estimate you need roughly 200 hours to get all skills for a primary/secondary. At least that's how long it took for my necromancer (because it was the third character I made, I had experience in playing).



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

First off, you only use Signets of Capture now when bosses are dead, and you can pick whatever skill you want. That was changed fairly early on but probably after you left.

Second, there is also Faction Points now which are earned by doing PvP. You can unlock runes, weapon upgrades, and skills with Faction.

I dunno about doing it in under 100 hours, but it should be fairly easy to get enough good skills to work with.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


I got all the necro skills in under 100...of course I got them while I was a W/N after I had maxed my W/Mo....It just depends on how much you concentrait on it...i prolly got all of necro in under 50 hours and most of R soon after that....