I am having trouble getting into UW at Temple of Ages. Do I have to do the Tombs before I'm allowed entry? I kneel, the grenth appears and tells his story but I am not asked to give 1 plat for entry. I can get in FoW with no trouble.
Southern Rogue
Getting into UW
Southern Rogue
Da Immortal King
You gotta ascend before you go in UW. If thats not the case then im baffled.
Southern Rogue
I have ascended (even went back and did it again since it's been a couple months). Thanx. I'm baffled as well!
Have you ensured you have no henchies in your party when talking to grench for the UW? They aren't allowed in either the FoW or UW.. so make sure to not have them in your group when trying to get in.
Southern Rogue
Good point but didn't take any henchies. Related question though: what is the minimum number in your group that you must have to enter?
You can go in solo
Southern Rogue
Nevermind.... now all of a sudden it's working. I rebooted it 3 times (lost 3K) but now it's working. Thank you for your time and answers. Must have been some kind of weird bug.
coulodnt you have just used the portal to gain access just after you have ascended saves you money too plus you can bring in henchies
Originally Posted by Head_Damage
coulodnt you have just used the portal to gain access just after you have ascended saves you money too plus you can bring in henchies
He's talking about the old/original Underworld reached by pray'ing to Grenth in Temple of the Ages (ToA) and paying 1K to be sent to the Underworld.