I would categorize mini game into 3 groups. And since I don’t know the proper name for them, I will do the next best thing, and make up names for them. So they are 1) Questing Mini Games, 2) Scoring Mini Games, and 3) Arena Mini Game.
Questing Mini Game
This could be consider as a alternative game inside a game. Within the boundary of the game world, it give players some extra “things” to do. Sometime it would make you grind for them, and other time it would be incorporated well into the game world, but overall, they does not have substantial impact over the overall story line (but some would give good loot as reward). A lot of J-Rpg have them (training up your pets, collecting some magical items, etc). Fishing in WoW could be consider such group as well. So, here might be some idea on how they would fit into GW. (Note: some of those ideas will not be workable in the current GW, since new items and game play mechanics will also needed to be introduce for it to work)
Drinking Game: In each town, there is a certain NPC (will call them town drunk for now) that you can try to out drink. Every characters have a hidden “tolerance level”, which are low at first, so that you will get drunk in just few drinks. You must “train” your self by drink more often, as well as a hidden formula where if you drink X drink after Y drink, you will build up that level faster (of course, that is for player to find). As you progress in town, the town drunk will be harder and harder to beat, thus you must drink hard to meet such challenge. Of course, you would also get some reward.
This is also a gold sink for those who want to play. Also more drinks (in different potency) will be needed. (you can even make your own!)
Gardening Game: This will be for a farm area. (like a really small instantize area), and/or part of the Guild hall upgrade. Here, there will be a plot of land that you can grow stuff. You can find different type of seeds in you adventure, and you can plant them here, which they will grow up into flowers or fruits or herbs. The grow time will be about 3-4 days. Of course you also need to take care of it often, come by to it from time to time to water them, take out the weeds, and other gardening stuff, else they won’t grow, or won’t grow as well. After while, those plants will die, and you will have to plant new one.
The plants will have small use when you harvest them. A fruit might give you +10exp when you eat them, some flowers can be turn into dyes, herbs can go into potion making (more on that later), feeds to your animals (see below), and such. You could also trade them, or sell them for some pocket change. But the main purpose is of course to look at them and feel proud about your produces, or to show off. (I can already imagine a Veggy Contest). Also there are regular and rare seeds as well that can be found.
Animal Rising Game: Buiding on the Farm idea, you also get a chance to rise some farm animals. You cann’t take them with you to adventure (not like ranger’s pet), and they will only stay in their zone. Like plants, they will grow from small to big over time. You can have more than one too, where some animals will go well together, while some won’t. You will also need to feed them as well. And with some inbreeding and special feeds, you too can have your own Golden Moa Bird too!
Herbalist Game: Like the Red Iris Flower in pre-sear, add more plants that you can find in exploration areas. (flowers, mushrooms, leafs, etc). Also added will be Herbalist NPC in certain exploration areas. They will offer to make you some “potions” if you have the right herbs with you. (what is ask will vary from one to another, and so are its effect) Potions are not items, but rather like donation to gods, just a minor boost of certain effect while you are in that exploration area. Also the Herbalist can offer to Mix herbs for you. (you could experiment with different components and get different random effect, or get an items call Potion Recipe (a one time use item) that will describe when herb is needed to make a potion of greater effect)
More detail on Herbalist: As said before, effect of Potion would only be limted to the map, and would not be an item. It is immeditaly use after you turn in your stuff into the NPC herbalist. (I would not make it an item because it would make GW aother item game, espcially in PvP) some idea for effect might be.... (of couse depend on what kind of potion... it duration will be vary) - Increase your movement speed - Increase your attack power - Incerease your energy by X etc etc (i am sure you can think of lot more) Its effect would only be minor. Also the location of the Herbalist would be place in "strategic locations". (so maybe a easy to find herbalist would make only weak effect potions, while one deeper in the zone would make better ones). Again, this is more or less for casual gaming, for those who feel like carrying and collect different herbs and plants, and not like something where you MUST use the potion to get pass an area... Also like Iris, you can sell any of the herb and plants you find for few coins. |
(this is also part of the encourage more exploration of exploration areas, and randomness in exploration suggestions)
More detail on hunting:
I see it as two way, one passive, and another active. Passive would be where you just see it while are exploring (since there could be lot more things added to make exploration more attractive, this being one of them), like suddely seeing a Bigfoot in the forest. An active would be one who are activly trying to find them. They would be entering a map back and forth, trying to find it. (however, a mechanic should be added to discourage that) You can also talk to some hunter NPCs (in wildernss or some traven in town), give them some gold, and hear some rumor about possible wearbouts of such beast. (like they would say "Yeah, the last time I was at Salted Flat, I saw the Track of Unicorn!") However, I would say it would still be a 50/50 chance of that map instanizing with a Unicorn (could have better chance if party with someone who also have the same rumor). Oh, and the rumor are random too. Also you still need to explore the map to find out where they are (unless you got real lucky, and they spawn right in front of you...) Also you would get a hint of that such beast exist on your map (which added some more incentive to explore the whole map). There will be certain "Hot spot" that give you such hint (like your ranger henchman might stop, and said "Hmm.. I smell Crystal Bird in the air", or a message pop up about you seeing the track of some strange creature, etc) Since the mysticl creature are not combat orientated, more liberity can be give to thier special ablity and AI. some example might be... Legendary Bunny of Swift: will be moving real fast, and alays run form you. Thus hard to catch (unless you have someway to make it cripple or posion) and really need to clear the whole map of mob if want to catch this one. Steel Turtle: Slow moving, but have a really really high AL. Phenoix: Ablity to Rez itself again and again. Ethreal Gull: Must kill/capture it real fast, else it will teleport away. Great Panda: A Bear with black and white fur. Can be charmed. ShadowTiger: Aggressive Beast, very strong (like a lv 30 boss), that will be actually hunting you. Can teleport in when you are weak, and out when its hp runs low. Golden Wolf: leads a pack of other wolf, aggressive. I am sure you can think of lot more. As for rewards, well, if you kill them, probably will get a unique salvage/crafting item, as well as maybe some good amount of gold or weapons. Also could made into unique items that shows off. (like a Crafter would ask for 3 Phonix Feather to make you a Phonix Feather Headgear, with all the feathers on flame (maybe a low AL but +1 fire mastery and 5% of auto rez). This make the drop item very valuable. -Some can also be charmed as ranger Pet,which make the rangers look real nice. -Can also try to capture it (maybe with a sig of capture or some other item when its hp is running low, much like ranger charming it) which you can sell to a Beast dealer for good gold or put it in your Farm/guild hall. |
I think that is all I can think of for now, and start getting tire from all that writing.. so moving on…
Scoring Mini Games
Or a pop game. Those are like the small flash or java game that we play online. Often they test your reflex, your memory, or just your luck. Fable has a good example of those. When played, you will leave out of your character for a moment, and be presented with only the mini game area. They would be best found in a new Tavern area, or as part of the Guild hall upgrade. For some of those games, after play, your score would be announce to all near by players. Also a score board would be kept, where it will track the who the top ten score of the day, and highest score of all. Maybe will also be charge a small fee to play, and possible give out small reward. Such game might include:
Dart Board Throwing.
Memory Card Game
Guess the Box
Fastest Hand
Cup Stacking
I am sure you can think of more.
Arena Mini Game
Those will be like that Snow ball Arena (a game suggested by “someone” in the forum, wink wink). They are not PvP, but more like a sports game. Briefly put, they will be something like:
Pig Chasing Soccer:
Flag Ball
Since it is getting late, and being typing too long, I won’t get into too much detail on some of the last two type of mini game ideas. Maybe I will add more to it in later time. Feel free to add ideas to mini games that would be good for GW, or give some comments on what is above. Thxs for reading, uncle Jack says Bye.