This Arena would focus on Co-Op battle strategies, in preparation for Chapter 2. Luxons Vs. Kurzicks Style.
The Arena would be designed to allow 4 total parties.. Similar to Hall of Heroes style multi Spawn point.
2 parties of 8 players (Luxons allied) vs 2 parties of 8 players (Kurzicks allied) Co-Op Arena.
Which ever faction defeats the other wins... Could be a Hall of Heroes style clone with King of the Hill qualities, or a full out Co-Op battlefield. I think the all out war style will be the most exciting to try out... (8+8) vs (8+8) possibilities sound fantastic... can't wait to see it in action...
Just a thought. Hate to see an Island going to waste in there..

Your Ever Loyal Tyrian Subject...
Ingram of Haz
Kurzicks Rule! Luxons Drool! ... naw naw naw naw naw ... lol I had to be the first to say it... sorry... lol