With the Co-op and Waring Factions Missions coming in the Next Chapter, I propose the final Island beyond the Z Elite area (east of the Team Arenas) in the Battle Isle be used for a Co-Op Arena. Access to this Island would be for those that defeat the Z Elite challenge area...
This Arena would focus on Co-Op battle strategies, in preparation for Chapter 2. Luxons Vs. Kurzicks Style.
The Arena would be designed to allow 4 total parties.. Similar to Hall of Heroes style multi Spawn point.
2 parties of 8 players (Luxons allied) vs 2 parties of 8 players (Kurzicks allied) Co-Op Arena.
Which ever faction defeats the other wins... Could be a Hall of Heroes style clone with King of the Hill qualities, or a full out Co-Op battlefield. I think the all out war style will be the most exciting to try out... (8+8) vs (8+8) possibilities sound fantastic... can't wait to see it in action...
Just a thought. Hate to see an Island going to waste in there.. maybe something like this for the next event??? Hint hint developers I know this could give a much desired taste of Co-Op battles for one of the events...
Your Ever Loyal Tyrian Subject...
Ingram of Haz
Kurzicks Rule! Luxons Drool! ... naw naw naw naw naw ... lol I had to be the first to say it... sorry... lol
Proposal for Battle Isle Co-Op Arena
YES!!! This is really what I want to be implented in the game!!!
just a reminder... was wanting to see if others were interesting in this potential new area in battle isle.
How would you see the partyforming? two parties of 8 randomly assigned as allies?
I'm afraid the luck factor (having 2 decent teams) would be quite substancial...
If not, how do you see the partycreation phase?
I'm afraid the luck factor (having 2 decent teams) would be quite substancial...
If not, how do you see the partycreation phase?
I was thinking more like ToA... service to Luxons and service to Kurzicks...
then form your parties. and wait for a FvF battle... IDK I know this is possible in Factions as it is in the press kit. so I would suggest doing it in some form similar to they selection process... The intention is to be practice for the Faction Battles. and getting parties working together... So maybe it would make more since as a Zaishen area instead... Its just a thought...
then form your parties. and wait for a FvF battle... IDK I know this is possible in Factions as it is in the press kit. so I would suggest doing it in some form similar to they selection process... The intention is to be practice for the Faction Battles. and getting parties working together... So maybe it would make more since as a Zaishen area instead... Its just a thought...