During the middle of a game I will be fighting or running or doing any action and everything will jsut like stop for like 5 secs like a I can't move and ppl stop attacking for a sec almost like lag but I din't think it is.I press the walk buttin but like everything freezes like a said for about 5 secs or sometimes up to 15 I mean it is like it disconnects it doesn't even show new chats on the log it is completely froze.I do have dial up could that be the prob sometimes it freezes and sometimes it doesn't it says my speed is always constant can someone plz help me I would love to know why it is doing this
Thank You so much,
Masta Killa Man
In middle of game I will like get stuck and can't move for a few sec then continue?
Masta Killa Man
That does sound like lag, and a very probable possibility on a dial-up connection. When the client can't find new chat messages to display (you can check this by sending a chat of your own, it has to go to the server first) until the "stick" is over, then it's most likely lag. Might be your ISP too, what company are you with? Something might be bad on their end, causing a few seconds of disconnection. For a while I had a similar problem, my internet would disconnect completely and I experienced symptoms similar to the ones you are describing. Only difference is, I'd never get back in, my internet would die and then I'd play "Twiddle the Thumbs" until it came back.
Connection speed is irelevant with this problem, Ive had it happen too, and Im on a broadband(gigabit) connection. I think the reason is the packet info is running into a slow spot somewhere along the line. Probably bad routing, see if you can do a trace to see the path youre taking to get to the server.
This happens to me alot, thought it was just coz I'm on a laptop.
Happened lastnight doing Reversing the scales, lasted about 30-45sec when it came back 2 executioners and Lord whats-his-name were dead.
Sometimes I end up dead tho, specially when it happens when you got a bleeding spell/condition on you.
Happened lastnight doing Reversing the scales, lasted about 30-45sec when it came back 2 executioners and Lord whats-his-name were dead.
Sometimes I end up dead tho, specially when it happens when you got a bleeding spell/condition on you.