Originally Posted by Rulke
Leaving your elem with zero energy and only one dead foe. I have a tendency to overpower things quite considerably in my head, however, so better make it 1.00-1.25 damage per element per point of energy lost. Max damage (16*3 + 30 + 12 + 15*2 - 5)*1.25*4 is 575 elemental damage, reduced by armour, which would hopefully be enough for someone to survive. Note that this leaves the elem at -30 en or 0 en and -2 regen after ONE spell, killing one enemy, making the elem useless for quite a while.
Sorry to be blunt, but you make some crazy overpowered skills. In fact, I'd say most of the skill suggestions in this thread are overpowered. We can imagine ourselves kicking ass, but one must be fair and balance must be preserved or else the game breaks and becomes tedious.