Some Problem With Video Card


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

=\ Well, I just bought GW, and even though I know my computer's crappy, I can't get through this. Everytime I open the exe file, it shows a popup about my video card being an unsupported hardware device.
I know that DirectX might not work, but when I try to get ATI or GeForce, it would not let me install. Anyone know how to help this noob?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006



If DirectX isn't working at all, you can't start up the game since it uses DX commands to control vidcard and other hardware. I don't understand what you mean by 'trying to get ATI or GeForce' either...

More info on your computer would be pretty useful too


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

This is the most that I could get out of my computer info, since I'm not really that smart with it.

Intel Pentium 4
256 MB of RAM
And I use DirectX 9... O_o That's about all I know... Would an older version of DirectX work? I heard that 9 isn't compatible with GW...


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Kotsuki
This is the most that I could get out of my computer info, since I'm not really that smart with it.

Intel Pentium 4
256 MB of RAM
And I use DirectX 9... O_o That's about all I know... Would an older version of DirectX work? I heard that 9 isn't compatible with GW...
how much does anybody want to bet me he has intel integrated graphics instead of a real card?

your only choice may be to add a cheap video card.

it is compatable with direct x 9.

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