I you have a look on the GuildWars website on the main page u will find some info on the Fraction game. I was surprise to see that it is a standalone game for new players and an expansion for old players. If you did not buy the core companion you still have the chance to play the new game. So naturally I had some questions about that.
Is their going to be lots of low and high lev player in the same place? In GuildWarsI they where separated into Ascalon and Ascalon Old.
And what about professions are they going to subtract 2 old ones and give them the 2 new ones or are they going to have all 8 for the new players, who only purchased GuildWarsII?
Fractions stand alone game
There is no r. I don't know why people insist on putting one there.
As for your questions: People who only choose to buy Factions will be able to start only in Cantha, and likely only remain there. They will have access to all eight professions, though only a limited selection of skills from the original six.
There is no r. I don't know why people insist on putting one there.
As for your questions: People who only choose to buy Factions will be able to start only in Cantha, and likely only remain there. They will have access to all eight professions, though only a limited selection of skills from the original six.
Noob Q's time , but will i be able to use my chapter 1 Pve character to do quests in chapter 2? or do I have to start a new one for each chapter?
Originally Posted by Rico291
Noob Q's time , but will i be able to use my chapter 1 Pve character to do quests in chapter 2? or do I have to start a new one for each chapter?
Rape of Faith
Lol @ Fractions, GuildWarsI, and GuildWarsII.
Originally Posted by neko-kun
Is their going to be lots of low and high lev player in the same place? In GuildWarsI they where separated into Ascalon and Ascalon Old. |
Ups, spent too much time on my maths homework.
Plus there will be a core set of skills already unlocked for the 6 primary missions in the stand alone package... so when you start out of training, you will be able to start unlocking more for every class. From what I understand the large training area will also involve a version of the kingdoms of Ascalon tutorial.. You may have a map point or something in the training area that takes you there or something as a quest via a teleporter... I guess we wait and see. They may even have a full new area just for training of old professions and allow for several unlocks of skills via quests.. But yes as a stand alone game I'm sure it will have a few limitation without chapter two. One being all the Original unique weapons from chapter 1. and Prob the bonus areas like Fissure and underworld from ToA...
I would imagine Arenanet will package a retail version again that will include both games in one package for completely new players... But most of us will simply just buy chapter 2... naturally since we have and been playing chapter 1 already. I for one am looking forward to more info on prerelease items for chapter 2... I know I got a lot of use out of my preorder bow for a long time... Now, I don't use it at all, but it was still nice to have early in the game...
I would imagine Arenanet will package a retail version again that will include both games in one package for completely new players... But most of us will simply just buy chapter 2... naturally since we have and been playing chapter 1 already. I for one am looking forward to more info on prerelease items for chapter 2... I know I got a lot of use out of my preorder bow for a long time... Now, I don't use it at all, but it was still nice to have early in the game...
Evil Hypnotist
If you update your chapter 1 with the content from chapter 2 you will be able to do the new campaign with one of your characters from the prophecies campaign (chapter 1), although I would expect that the training area in Cantha might be bypassed if you choose to do this.
Despite being full of new things to see and do, if you take your lvl 20 in there you are possibly going get no experience (if experience works on the same levels as before) because everything there needs to be able to be killed by new lvl 1 characters, also you are gonna be bombarded by all the hints and tips designed for new players. If this is the case then I guess I would go through chapter 2 with a new character first, experiencing the training area, before giving it a go with one of my chapter 1 guys.
Just my opinion.....
Despite being full of new things to see and do, if you take your lvl 20 in there you are possibly going get no experience (if experience works on the same levels as before) because everything there needs to be able to be killed by new lvl 1 characters, also you are gonna be bombarded by all the hints and tips designed for new players. If this is the case then I guess I would go through chapter 2 with a new character first, experiencing the training area, before giving it a go with one of my chapter 1 guys.
Just my opinion.....