Thunderhead keep with henchies!
Kate Bloodspirit
Today I took my bonder and brought it to Thunderhead Keep with 7 henchies. Bonder worked really well, you can see my skill bar and my stats were 14 divine, 14 prot and 6 inspiration. Mark of protection saved the king several times. Very nice spell to have against that mean mean mursatt elementalists.
Lord Scoopula
Last time I tried THK with henches they aggroed everything in the keep while I was trying to clear it, including Dagnar Stonepate...we got killed and I haven't tried that mission since.
Did it with henchies too as nobody wanted my Ranger =/
congrats i think i should try that, as real players in the mission make me want to scream.
Originally Posted by xxSilhouette
congrats i think i should try that, as real players in the mission make me want to scream.
Hehe. That made me laugh.
Guardian of the Light
My guild leader said he beat Thunderhead keep with henchies with his monk that NOT lvl 20 .
I beat this with henchies with my lvl14 mesmer. Seemed fairly simple and easy.
After i beat it with guildies i came back to do bonus, and did with henchies no problem... I wish i could have done that before
congrats, one more person to discover the magic that is henchies, we need to spread the word fellas there are hundreds of thousands of people still spending hours failing mission in pugs
Jay the Jake
yeah pug's at THK drive me nuts too. 1st time I did it with my warrior was with a group of players, that had 2 argue all the whole I honestly do not know how we got thru it. With my ranger I finally after 4th attempt got 2 guildies and rest henchies. We stayed up top I trapped the stairs, one guildie tank blocked stairway and other guildie nuked them. Actually got a really good pug with my monk. I bonded the team til we got inside then I just bonded the 2 warriors one at each set of stairs fm the courtyard. and we treated it like a oro run. I stood back with the king and throw out aegis everytime it recharged and mend alignment on the warriors. let Mhenlo and another monk player heal the team. it was way easy. The nuker guildie that helped me with it on my ranger did it with henchies on his ele and his necro. He just MM up and nuked on the other. My 4th character I am going henchie, its to much of a headache with a pug.
Kate, if you are the only one playing then why are you calling your shots?
Originally Posted by tommarrow
Kate, if you are the only one playing then why are you calling your shots?
Using the "Ctrl Click/Space" command also affects the henchies. They'll attack whatever you commanded them to.
lambda the great
I did THK with my lvl 13 Ranger.
Nice 8 man mending I think ya got goign there, I found thats the easiest way to get through that mission.
Nice 8 man mending I think ya got goign there, I found thats the easiest way to get through that mission.
dude THK with henchies is ez thats wut i use ever time my strat is just stay by the king its actually really ez if u know how to do it its a shame ppl dont know how to do this cuz its like 100 times better then with ppl. But congratz :]
The king today seemed to not like henchmen and commited suicide; he was having a wamo complex or somthing....
its easy if your a disabler or support char thats all the henchmen need
its easy if your a disabler or support char thats all the henchmen need
Kate Bloodspirit
I call to keep track of who my henchies are attacking :-)