The Amazing Comeback 1 vs 8



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Perth, Australia

Ok so this is a story of the Amazing Comeback which took place on Feb 2, 2006. It all started out when the American district was quite and there were very few parties forming, which lead me and a few other people to form an iway...Anyway we won a few and lost a few, just like any iway but on one map we camu up against an interesting challenge:
It was the Scarred Earth map, with 4 teams. My team (red) started out well and we were beating the other (blue) meanhile sky blue finished its opponent and waited at the door. Everything was goign by plan when suddenly all of the teams just died , which you should all know is the effect of an eoe bomb, but this wasnt our eoe, it was the sky blue's lvl11 eoe as they were the EoE bomb team. It was quite interesting, we just fell dead, as you can see on the score chart #1. The sky blue quickly recovered but just healing, red and blue however suffered heavy losses and used its remaining rez sigs. You can see how we came back up a little bit on the score chart. We tohught the worse was behind but then BOOM another eoe bomb! This time blue fell completely dead and my team (red) only had 2 peopel left, a warrior and an order necro. This time round however we couldnt recover as we used our rez sigs from previous bombing, miracously the necro had one last sig, which was used on me, Ivan.
At this point we thought all was lost, obviously, and usually at this point peopel rage quit. But, my team suggested me and the other warrior known as the "cloudstrike" go and kill the sky blue's Ghostly. Well what the heck might as well, give the foe something to do in terms of chasing us. As I ran out to the sky blues base, which was across the other side of the map I activated my IWAY as there were fallen allies in the area we were bombed (4 pets, 6 people and 1 ghostly) giving me a pretty long boost. So me and the other warrior ran to the sky blue base, probably thinking it useless, while being chased bu sky blue. We finally made it and killed the sky blue's Ghostly! because monks didnt chase us as they cant attack and thus didnt heal their ghostly, which miracously was alive for us to kill him and get a morale boost.
The return journey, my IWAY was running out and I was struck by the foe's obelisk numerous times bringign me to half health, my team mate in similar situation. Anyway we somehow managed to get back to our base, but what do you know? There is frozen soil, ok so we kill it, another one...we kill it... finally I can rez, while using my rez i get interrupted 2 times, finally as I am to rez another frozen! Once again we kill it and my team mate falls, he was a hero, I am the only 1 left, no frozen and I am at half health. Without hope I proceed to rez closest teammate. I am interrupted. I try again at which point my hp is around 50 with conditions and iway on me. At this point I just set back in my chair as though I knew my fate, I fully knw I would die before rezzing so I just sat back in my chair as thought not caring. BUT, I did manage to rez the order necro, half a second later, (no joke) I die. And what do you know? A pro chain rez! you can see it on the score chart goign in steps. In about 15 seconds my whole team is alive and kicking with iway from pets, and anyone knows how dangerous iway is with dead pets. In another 15 seocnds the other team is crushed and we are victorious!
This was my most memorable battle, probably mt team's too, it was really funny yet courageous, in some way You can see in the screenshots how we got eoe bombed and how we came back up! 1 man can make a difference, dont give up and rage quit I have erazed the names as its forum policy. I am aware running iway is "not cool" but sometimes there is nothign else to do, no teams forming and its that time of the day when america isnt playing and your guild is sleeping. Anyway hope you enjoyed the read, main reason I posted this was by request of my team as I was the only one to take screenshots

S1: Just after second eoe bomb, before the necro rezzed me and my faithful pet chuck.
S2: Some of the convo
S3: The comeback
S4: Victory!




Join Date: May 2005


psst... you missed a few names :P


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Fun Runners


YEAH THIS WAS AMAZING!! i was in that team also

thanks for the screenies dude really appreciate it



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Boston, MA

Blood Of Orr [BoO]

IWAY or not, EoE Bomb or not, that's a pretty amazing come back.

Nicely done.




Join Date: Aug 2005

dayton ohio


a mistype there, you said comeback from 1 on 8, but a war and necro were still alive, thats a comeback from 2 on 8

Sir Aurik

Sir Aurik

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jun 2005

great story then u lose in a relic run cause u have no monks to heal your runner and all the random pugs range quit and go find another noob iway team to farm 2-3 fame with so they can get a iway deer/wolf... It's sad..


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Yep, I was in this party as well. Truely intense stuff!

Only 2 people were alive after the 1st fight ended (all rez used) and then the other team comes steaming in. Most would have certainly raged out at that point.

The funniest bit was our warrior running round smacking up one frozen soil after another.

Even though it was edge bomb, you'd expect 8 players to stop one warrior running to their base, killing their ghost and then running back to rez up. lol


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Sir Aurik
great story then u lose in a relic run cause u have no monks to heal your runner and all the random pugs range quit and go find another noob iway team to farm 2-3 fame with so they can get a iway deer/wolf... It's sad.. Come on admit it Famous...

You're a closet iway player, just very insecure about your feelings at the moment.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


i quit playing

Originally Posted by Sir Aurik
great story then u lose in a relic run cause u have no monks to heal your runner and all the random pugs range quit and go find another noob iway team to farm 2-3 fame with so they can get a iway deer/wolf... It's sad.. just run the relic after killing the other team, not very hard to do.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


Originally Posted by Sir Aurik
great story then u lose in a relic run cause u have no monks to heal your runner and all the random pugs range quit and go find another noob iway team to farm 2-3 fame with so they can get a iway deer/wolf... It's sad.. Stop dissing IWAY, its a build just like Spiking, or trapping, or balanced, just because he ran iway doesnt make him a noob

also on topic

WOW SWEET!...great job man!



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2005

[Larp]Larpers United


wow, i wish i could fight 1 v 8 against a heavily dp'd team. And i cant help but wonder, if you killed 3 soils before you could rez, wtf was that team doing? watching you kill spirits? honestly, if they couldnt kill you thats just sad. And iway wins yet again. Every Time iway wins, God kills a kitten.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Homsar
wow, i wish i could fight 1 v 8 against a heavily dp'd team. And i cant help but wonder, if you killed 3 soils before you could rez, wtf was that team doing? watching you kill spirits? honestly, if they couldnt kill you thats just sad. And iway wins yet again. Every Time iway wins, God kills a kitten. Come on now fella. It's a bit of fun.. please!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Playing Guild Wars and Getting [high]


yeah we killed about 3 frozen soils and the team was runnin round like mad then we just rezzed up and won



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


i quit playing

Originally Posted by Homsar
Every Time iway wins, God kills a kitten. that is such a lie



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Playing Guild Wars and Getting [high]


and when these rank 9+ players say igay noob etc. at end of the game half of them should start wondering how they got their ranks in the beggining


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005

Actually did a similar thing earlier but didn't manage to pull it off. It was against a mixed group of iP, iA and MnSa members I think?

We took out the 1st team quickly and we're doing ok against this lot but ran out of sigs. So me and a warrior ran off to their base. I trapped the way for runner and we took out their ghost.

We got back to our base and started chain rezzing but got taken out.

Anyway... You should have heard the hatred and abuse they gave out for trying that on them. How dare a pug iway group try and do that to them! The language was incredible...

Of course, out came the tigers as well.




Join Date: Apr 2005

wonders of IWAY. if you're knocked down, you can still get up and win.

great job man.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Playing Guild Wars and Getting [high]


lol i was in your team again shake an vac and yeah that team after gave us a lot of stick because we shook up a group of rank 9+ they got offended and started to flame us saying noobs and rank 0 etc. Oh well the way i see it is Iway is a build like any other and i say gg regardless of results etc.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

Amersfoort, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Fun Runners


im getting famous!! lol

Retribution X

Retribution X

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Check behind you again.


GJ man! NICE comeback. remind me of when during wintersday i screwed up bad...

Batou of Nine

Batou of Nine

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

California, USA

Angel Sharks [AS] (RiP [KaiZ] T__T")


WAll of text....Cant continue...Eyes, schriviling up....breath, shallow....Head, pounding with pain....ARRRrrrrgh!!

Oh, ya and kewl comeback...


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005


Not Your Ordinary Guild

Originally Posted by Rilder
he ran iway doesnt make him a noob OBJECTION!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2005

priest rez big woop



Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Frost_
priest rez big woop The Map had no preist, and if they did, look on the team bar, everything was dead.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Forgive me if im posting this a bit late

I was on that team order necro ... was the best fight Ive ever seen.

Thanks for the screens hah!