Hi, I dont know much about computers, except how to play games on them and well, anyways, a few of the latest games haven't worked well on my computer. For instance, I dont have a high enough graphics card to even run Age of EMpires 3 demo. What I can tell you about my computer is my dad is a cheap guy and he always tries to buy a cheap computer from a lesser brand that he thinks is a bargain just because it's not a well known brand but really it's not because the brand and the computer he gets is cheap and has tons of problems.
Anyway, my comp is from about 2002. I remember when i bought WC3 the mouse used to disapear for no reason, and i read later this was because of my graphics processer or card not being high enough. For guildwar, is it lower or higher graphics qquality then WC3? Whats the worst computer that you've seen it work on without lagging too badly? Thanks
Can you help me if this game will work?
Vidcard plays a major role when playing GW. My office comp is 2.8GHz w/ 512MB, vidcard being Matrox G550 (supersucky card for gaming). Graphics suck, most features are missing and the lag is horrible.
And yes, GW most probably is heavier on vidcard than WC3.
And yes, GW most probably is heavier on vidcard than WC3.
I run GW great with my system specs:
Running Athlong 64 3400+, Nvidia Geforce FX 5700 128mb, and 1 gb of ram. I have the setting about 80% maxed out.
Running Athlong 64 3400+, Nvidia Geforce FX 5700 128mb, and 1 gb of ram. I have the setting about 80% maxed out.
I used to to run Guild Wars on my desktop that was a P4 2.4Ghz, Corsair 2x512 DDR 2-2-2-5 Dual Channel Ram, and an ATI 9600 Pro 128MB AGP. I could run it with full graphics, and 2x AA. The only chop time was in areas with snow.
I do believe GW would be more grahically demanding than WC3.
After my last upgrade for my desktop, smooth as silk all maxed out.
It'd help to know what the system is running. The brand name (manufacturer) doesn't even matter, its all in the chipsets of the various internal components.
I do believe GW would be more grahically demanding than WC3.
After my last upgrade for my desktop, smooth as silk all maxed out.
It'd help to know what the system is running. The brand name (manufacturer) doesn't even matter, its all in the chipsets of the various internal components.