What the hell kind of bow is this?
The one Casey Squid
From the collector outside Serenity Temple.
This is the worst weapon I think ive ever seen. Sure you get extra attack but look how damn slow you attack.
This is the worst weapon I think ive ever seen. Sure you get extra attack but look how damn slow you attack.
The Last Preacher
That weapon is over powered, look damage +33%!!!
It may be one of the hardest hitting bows in it's cartegory, but it is the slowest to, that balances it out.
take that with max dmg, and you got a pwnage spiking bow
if you use IWAy + tiger's fury, you'll attack 1% slower
it is for a starter bow, sice you have to fight the stones out side it would be good bow. I wonder is he has any mo/w stuff?
Ya I remeber seeing that once, the attack speed was not worth the damage in my eyes.
It would look good with spiking, if it was max damage.
I've never seen this before.
I've never seen this before.
that weapon is 1337sauce x 50
1337 it is just think if you used tiger fury and IWAY with it, I think they stack or atleast seems to me when i make an IW mesmer for pvp
Vermilion Okeanos
Whenever I read see that bow... I always say, if it were max damage...
I would quick shot or savage/distract/punishing it all day long... then I would die happy.
I would quick shot or savage/distract/punishing it all day long... then I would die happy.
Originally Posted by knoll
1337 it is just think if you used tiger fury and IWAY with it, I think they stack or atleast seems to me when i make an IW mesmer for pvp
You make an IW mesmer with tiger's fury and IWAY? Me/R/W ftw!
The maximum +attack speed is +33%, so theoretically multiple mods will stack on each other, since your speed is -67% and can be raised 100% to +33%...
The maximum +attack speed is +33%, so theoretically multiple mods will stack on each other, since your speed is -67% and can be raised 100% to +33%...
Guillaume De Sonoma
customized and if it were max damage...
The Real Roy Keane
Did someone say 'Quickshot?'
Originally Posted by Avarre
You make an IW mesmer with tiger's fury and IWAY? Me/R/W ftw!
The maximum +attack speed is +33%, so theoretically multiple mods will stack on each other, since your speed is -67% and can be raised 100% to +33%... NNOOOO Im not that, I use Flurry and IWAY for IW i was just sasying for a R/w, who would use Tigerss flurry and IWAY, lol should have stated clearer.
The maximum +attack speed is +33%, so theoretically multiple mods will stack on each other, since your speed is -67% and can be raised 100% to +33%... NNOOOO Im not that, I use Flurry and IWAY for IW i was just sasying for a R/w, who would use Tigerss flurry and IWAY, lol should have stated clearer.
AT least it's not Pruning.
Pruning ftw.
it syx, its not even maxed
Originally Posted by The Real Roy Keane
Did someone say 'Quickshot?'