Warrior/Assassain Fun



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


Does any body besides me see W/A's running around with dagers in full platemail armor pulling off those spining in mid air skills the assassain does? i mean wouldnt that break the law of pysics?

Lady Lozza

Lady Lozza

Forge Runner

Join Date: Dec 2005


Angel Sharks


If you have an Elementalist/Ranger you might notice that they do not "cast" the same way as a Ranger/Elementalist. This may also be true for assassin/warrior warrior/assassin skills.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

Well, for the most part.. Primary class are the animations portrayed when secondary class spells are preformed. But weapons are different, if you use cyclone axe as a ranger primary you spin like a warrior. Its the same concept for assassins, but it just looks goofy on other classes..



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005


i'd love to see a warrior in fow do the assasin double strike spin



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



And Warriors have enough energy to manage Dagger Mastery how? Assassins barely have it, and they've got, effectively, a caster's pool.

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by LaserLight
And Warriors have enough energy to manage Dagger Mastery how? Assassins barely have it, and they've got, effectively, a caster's pool.
barely i might add, i started with a R/A and thought it was great, then switched to A/R and went downhill from there...they actually require energy management...

gonna be interesting to see how they work in PvE, considering they dont seem to tank very well but theyre a melee class...



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Lol i didnt even think about pve. They are prolly going to do more running away between every combo than tanking or staying in melee.

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Phades
Lol i didnt even think about pve. They are prolly going to do more running away between every combo than tanking or staying in melee.
they might make good pullers...maybe

so in PvE assasin=mesmer in popularity

however, in PvP assasin may replace warrior, my own predictions.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Canada, eh?

Legion Of Valhalla


The assassin is gonna need some excellent energy management skills, or defensive skills, because between combos they're pretty much sitting ducks.
And they haven't got the armour to tank.

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Ristaron
The assassin is gonna need some excellent energy management skills, or defensive skills, because between combos they're pretty much sitting ducks.
And they haven't got the armour to tank.
quoted for truth

best thing i can think of is a modern version of the thumper (r/w)

perhaps an r/a with stances and expertise, spreading conditions

aside from that, no clue.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jul 2005

You guys are missing the new concept of Factions, most missions aren't just gunna be wipe out all enemies and get to the end. Theres gunna be tactical objectives that require stratedgy, and a class like an assasin fits pretty well with strategic value.

Turbo Wombat

Turbo Wombat

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Centeral Texas

Heros of Titans Realm


Even if they do have trouble with energy and are not very useful between combos, I can still see them being useful in PvE groups where you may want to take out a specific enemy quickly to weaken the opposing group. Though they may not be able to keep a realitvely stable DPS, if they can run in at the start and gump one of several monks before having to retreat it will make it much easier for their group. Even though this is a realitively specific event, I'm sure that there will be several situations in the game where a hit-and-run kill can turn the tide of a battle.


I'm the king

Join Date: Nov 2005

Aussie Trolling Crew: Grand Phallus and Chairman Pro Tempore

Originally Posted by Ristaron
The assassin is gonna need some excellent energy management skills, or defensive skills, because between combos they're pretty much sitting ducks.
And they haven't got the armour to tank.
Agreed, even with a lot of points in Critical Strikes they didnt have the energy efficiency of Rangers. Its a little unfair that Assassins are beaten at their own game by Rangers just because of Expertise.

Originally Posted by Nevin
You guys are missing the new concept of Factions, most missions aren't just gunna be wipe out all enemies and get to the end. Theres gunna be tactical objectives that require stratedgy, and a class like an assasin fits pretty well with strategic value.
...said the guy with the Kakashi avatar :P

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005




if the assasin carries *object* (flag, ashes, relic) and he shadow steps, does the object come too?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Originally Posted by Tyrent Frath

if the assasin carries *object* (flag, ashes, relic) and he shadow steps, does the object come too?
In short, no.

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



thanks, good thing a-net thought that over...back to topic...

how long does it take to cast (?) ashes? because an rt/a or a/rt could zone to middle of mob group, cast one of the ones that blows up, drop it, and cause nice dmg.

rinse/repeat GG

^^^above situation is strictly PvE



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Disciples of Birkler [BIR]

im sorta both ways about the assasin, they are pretty cool and different, but they in no way replace a warrior for solid dps. The ritualist on the other hand will change the current metagame completely.

Legendary Battousai

Legendary Battousai

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005




Originally Posted by zoozoc
im sorta both ways about the assasin, they are pretty cool and different, but they in no way replace a warrior for solid dps.
Close, but not always true, due to the fact that assassins attack faster (that is, including double strike). if you add in speed buff, lotus' fury and a damage enchantment (say for instance, Strength of Honor or an Order) you will probably pull off more damage.

For in things like GvG, asns would be good for assassinating a monk that is in the back line (teleport, and attack like hell, and then teleport back). the fact that the assassin does not have to run to their target all of the time, means over a period of time, they will have attacked more, attacked faster and probably dealt more damage. Also, if you use a skill like Unseen Frenzy (or whatever it was called), if you coordinate an attack with someone who can blind on your team, the target wont be able to block or evade your attacks, meaning even more hit chances than a warrior. The downside to the assassin is the weaker armor and more targetablity if used with Frenzy, making them die quickly (Fried Assassin, just add lightning orb!).

For places like Heroes' Ascent, the Assassin would be a very good relic running class (with teleport to get to a relic faster) but still have the power to deal moderate to high damage. Yet like always, the assassin's power is more circumstancial to a warriors, so for more reliable damage output, warriors would be best, but for certain builds the assassin might be a better choice.

Fred Kiwi

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005


I really like the concept of assassin in pve. Teleport = fun

Tyrent Frath

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



i still believe that in PvE teleport=useless...i see no real advantage unless an assasin in hit with healing seed, teleports in, attacks, and teleports out when their seed is gone

Son of Urza

Son of Urza

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

I'm the guy right behind you staring through your head . . . .


PBAoE fire/earth ele
*tele in*
*flame burst, inferno, crystal wave, phoenix*
*tele out*

If you're afraid that you'll get pwned by enemies while casting in there, pre-cast armor of earth and kinetic armor. You should have plenty of armor with those. You could also use water, for frozen burst to stop them from running away.