Supposed to be a walk in ONE forest. FoW
lambda the great
Yama and I were showing our guildies the Wailing Forest run for our weekend slaughter fest. Were were just planning on going through the Wailing forest...nothing more.
We got an we made our way to the Burning Forest.
Thinking that we would get owned in less than 10 seconds.
We cleard half of the burning forest with a party of 4 (one usless) then the last guy with rebirth got owned by Life Transfer and life Siphon. Then Zephre saw a chest ran to it aggrod eight thousand more enemys to me. Life transfer+Life Sphon+2 Meteor showers+Hits= Return to outpost.
Guild: Almost a guild
(sorry 'bout the pictures56kers)
We got an we made our way to the Burning Forest.
Thinking that we would get owned in less than 10 seconds.
We cleard half of the burning forest with a party of 4 (one usless) then the last guy with rebirth got owned by Life Transfer and life Siphon. Then Zephre saw a chest ran to it aggrod eight thousand more enemys to me. Life transfer+Life Sphon+2 Meteor showers+Hits= Return to outpost.
Guild: Almost a guild
(sorry 'bout the pictures56kers)
lambda the great
Another post because of too many images on the first post.
This is the walk in the park.
This is the walk in the park.
Quid Pro Quo
Nice build.
I love how #4 is dead in EVERY screenshot.
I think he needs a short class on allowing wars to take aggro
Not too bad I guess, mainly because you don't seem to be running a group build. If you were, dying in burning with 4 is meh
Not too bad I guess, mainly because you don't seem to be running a group build. If you were, dying in burning with 4 is meh
Murder In China
Must be an invic-ranger.
Doesn't look very 'invincible' to me
Originally Posted by Avarre
Yama and I were showing our guildies the Wailing Forest run for our weekend slaughter fest.
i wasnt a 55 but i ended up having 42 health or sompthing like that lol i was a barager with a short bow and rezes i was the one who died at the end now i dont ranger down there any more lol =)
Originally Posted by sno
It does look like he's using a guild group in those screens, look at the first pic, where they're discussing strategy in guild chat, and you see the tag on the other warrior [CO], which matches the OP's guild tag. Yama AND Feathered are also shown speaking in guild chat, proving that at least 4 of them are guildies. not to mention:
I meant a team build as in a group all functioning together. From the looks of it, each person there is running a build that functions alone (the warrior has solo forest build, the R/Mos are probably forest solo as well).
Actually the R/Mo's did not have the solo build. I was healing, interrupting, Poisoning, and placing Greater Conflagration. Only RRX had a solo build. The other two had whatever they brought. The solo R/Mo build does not work well with a team.
lambda the great
Originally Posted by sno
I love how #4 is dead in EVERY screenshot.
Holy, lmao I just noticed that lol.
Yes all these people are in my guild. Claire Wolf
lmfao. I hope he had a candy cane.. much DP right there. RotteN
poor ranger :P
number 4 should change his name to "Sir Dies Alot"
lambda the great
lol, I'll ask him.
lambda the great
We just killed the Lich Dragon! 4 man... well 3 with a useless ranger being a monk that ran out of energy to much.
I didn't think this thing was this strong [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] 90 something gold for that... LAMS3K
Useless! I think not. You would have been dead if I was not constantly using Heal Other on you. 151 point heal. Not to mention slowing down Poison with Healing Breeze. Then Greater Conflagration for the elemental damage. O yeah, not to mention the multiple times that I was the last alive and resurrected you all.
...Although I did run out of energy way too often. damkel
Thanks again lambda. Great guide and pictures.
One it feasible using both Dolyak Signet and Healing signet when Primal Echoes is on you? Obviously it works since you posted the screenies, but is it really difficult to manage your energy? Avarre
Thread necromancy makes Prince Rurik sad.
Juicey Shake -Old 3FL-
I just noticed the Hydras r called Ma'H'go hydras ive been calling em, Mango Hyrdas bringer di morte
Blood of the Poster: Heal dead thread for 1......5 hours. Sacrifice all reputation as a good poster.
Across The Battle
lambadowhosawhatsit posted a link to this thread in a farming guide forum thing.
I have a friend who can solo FoW as warrior...
got lah
Originally Posted by kimahri
I have a friend who can solo FoW as warrior...
Full FoW? :P GJ with the forest killing thingy. lambda the great
Originally Posted by damkel
Thanks again lambda. Great guide and pictures.
One it feasible using both Dolyak Signet and Healing signet when Primal Echoes is on you? Obviously it works since you posted the screenies, but is it really difficult to manage your energy? Zealous mod |