Many questions



Academy Page

Join Date: Apr 2005

Spencerport, NY

Guild Wars Team Play


Does anyone know when exactly the expanision is comeing out?

I read on the gw website that there will be two opposing sides, what will be the difference between the two sides?

I also read that there will be larger pvp, what do they mean by this, will the game be sort of like WoW, like with 80 people on each side or will they be keeping small numbers?

Lastly what will the new guild halls be?

Thx to anyone who answers this.

Jay the Jake

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

central United States



GW factions or Chapter 2 is coming out in 2nd quarter of 06. So earliest would be Apr, the last June. They beng Anet have been very secretive in what exactly is going to be in Factions. Read the articles through this website, should be on home page or archives to get what little info they have released. Anything beyond that would be rumor or speculation



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


Originally Posted by Jay the Jake
GW factions or Chapter 2 is coming out in 2nd quarter of 06. So earliest would be Apr, the last June. They beng Anet have been very secretive in what exactly is going to be in Factions. Read the articles through this website, should be on home page or archives to get what little info they have released. Anything beyond that would be rumor or speculation
I went into Game (UK) saturday, they have a march listing for factions release.
Altho it will probably change (Oblivion ring a bell)



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




Read the Guildwars site's FAQ about factions. Many questions can be anwsered there.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


ok i work in GAME, the date is gonna change. You can almost guarantee any date will change. All they do is go on what the company says (i.e. its gonna be Q2 or whatever), they have no actual date. As said in the Factions FAQ, the date will be announced on the official site. Until then, its merely speculation and prediction by retailers.