Ho Ho Ho HO GW's Finally Admits to being a MMORPG!
ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain talks us through the next chapter in NCsoft's Guild Wars saga
3 Feb 06 "When we announced Guild Wars back in early 2003," explains ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain, "we made a promise to gamers that we were going to change the online RPG industry." It's a lofty claim, but the original Guild Wars' million-strong following clearly demonstrates that ArenaNet's dedication to content-driven, subscription fee-free MMORPGing has reaped rewards for the developer and publisher NCsoft.
Now I can rest my case for all those that keep claiming it's not a mmorpg. (smile)
Jeff Strain: In the original Prophecies campaign, new characters leveled-up to level 20, at which point they reached Ascension.
This part isn't correct, because people are ascending well before level 20. But, it is something I would like to see them FIX and make it so you have to be level 20 to ascend. (smile)
ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain talks us through the next chapter in NCsoft's Guild Wars saga
3 Feb 06 "When we announced Guild Wars back in early 2003," explains ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain, "we made a promise to gamers that we were going to change the online RPG industry." It's a lofty claim, but the original Guild Wars' million-strong following clearly demonstrates that ArenaNet's dedication to content-driven, subscription fee-free MMORPGing has reaped rewards for the developer and publisher NCsoft.
Now I can rest my case for all those that keep claiming it's not a mmorpg. (smile)
Jeff Strain: In the original Prophecies campaign, new characters leveled-up to level 20, at which point they reached Ascension.
This part isn't correct, because people are ascending well before level 20. But, it is something I would like to see them FIX and make it so you have to be level 20 to ascend. (smile)
The people writing the article said that, Jeff didn't. GG.
Yeah, there's no talking marks, so the writers got it wrong.
Still proves even reviewers publishers agree it's an MMORPG. (smile) Plus Jeff did say challeing the ORPG industy. Add it's Massively Multiplayer and what do you have? MMORPG. (smile)
Who cares... Guild Wars is an awesome game go play it and dont worry about the semantics.
Think no-one knows the difference. Is there any?
MM part is just massively multiplayer. And GW isn't massive? GW isn't multiplayer? I think it's both. There's massively players, and the play area is quite massive too. CMMORPG might be more close.
MM part is just massively multiplayer. And GW isn't massive? GW isn't multiplayer? I think it's both. There's massively players, and the play area is quite massive too. CMMORPG might be more close.
It's highly instanced. The only time its massively multiplayer is when you are in a town, and even then, with a limit of 100 in the town, it's hardly massively mutliplay. And, so, if a reviewer things a 3rd person roleplaying game is actually a 3rd person action.adventure, it means that every single publication previous is wrong and they are right? get off it.
The age old argument never ends... PvPers trying to make GW out to be a PvP game
Originally Posted by generik
The age old argument never ends... PvPers trying to make GW out to be a PvP game
Originally Posted by generik
The age old argument never ends... PvPers trying to make GW out to be a PvP game
Wrong! It is a "combination" of both PVE and PVP there were never any statements this is a pure PVP game.
It's not an Argument at all!!!!.
Go to --> www.guildwars.com --> FAQ -->Game Details.
And read the first line!
"Guild Wars is a Global Online Role-Playing Game." = GORPG
Note: they missed a C = Cooperative. Which was GOCRPG.
Now Read the first line of the second paragraph:
“Guild Wars has some similarities to existing MMORPGs, but it also has some key differences.”
Well I don’t think it take a 3rd grader to figure what kind game is GW.
When the game first come out, Anet called GW a MMORPG without a monthly fee, to get players to buy their game. And six months later, Anet gets flamed so badly, so they restate GW as a GOCRPG.
Remember Massive Destructive Weapons in Iraq, was restate as Freedom of Iraq people, same deal here. Again not an argument!
Go to --> www.guildwars.com --> FAQ -->Game Details.
And read the first line!
"Guild Wars is a Global Online Role-Playing Game." = GORPG
Note: they missed a C = Cooperative. Which was GOCRPG.
Now Read the first line of the second paragraph:
“Guild Wars has some similarities to existing MMORPGs, but it also has some key differences.”
Well I don’t think it take a 3rd grader to figure what kind game is GW.
When the game first come out, Anet called GW a MMORPG without a monthly fee, to get players to buy their game. And six months later, Anet gets flamed so badly, so they restate GW as a GOCRPG.
Remember Massive Destructive Weapons in Iraq, was restate as Freedom of Iraq people, same deal here. Again not an argument!
If I always play solo how is it a "cooperative" game? And if you say it was "designed" to be cooperative then how come they allow solo ability??
Originally Posted by Fantomvz
When the game first come out, Anet called GW a MMORPG without a monthly fee, to get players to buy their game. And six months later, Anet gets flamed so badly, so they restate GW as a GOCRPG.
Pevil Lihatuh
The article will have probably called it an MMO coz everyone knows what that is. Not everyone has a clue what a CORPG or a GORPG is. I sure as hell didn't til I started playing GW. Besides, it doesn't matter what type of game it is, as long as its damn good
oh and deathqueen, probably because whilst they want us to team up, its also geared towards the casual player so if they took henchies out and forced the casual player to group with people or spend hours finding a good solo build for that particular mission... well casual players wouldn't be casual players.
oh and deathqueen, probably because whilst they want us to team up, its also geared towards the casual player so if they took henchies out and forced the casual player to group with people or spend hours finding a good solo build for that particular mission... well casual players wouldn't be casual players.
It's not an MMO. It never has been, and I don't know why people insist on that incorrect labeling. It isn't massive. There is no persistent world, you CAN never see more than ~100 people at a time. 95% of the game is instanced.
Fact. Fact. Fact. It is not massive, therefore it cannot be an MMO. It is, as Anet labeled it, a CORPG.
And Deathqueen, what the hell is with those parenthetical actions?
Fact. Fact. Fact. It is not massive, therefore it cannot be an MMO. It is, as Anet labeled it, a CORPG.
And Deathqueen, what the hell is with those parenthetical actions?
Originally Posted by Kakumei
It is, as Anet labeled it, a CORPG.
but really, this is the worst debat since "should they nerf iway"
Originally Posted by Ju_Smurph
tis true...
but really, this is the worst debat since "should they nerf iway" |
And Deathqueen, what the hell is with those parenthetical actions?
What's it to yah?
What's it to yah?
It's just sheer stubborn stupidy.
Can we all agree it's THE online role playing game we all love and shut the hell up?
Can we all agree it's THE online role playing game we all love and shut the hell up?
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
What's it to yah?
"GOOD" (smile) (smile) (SMILE)
Pandora's box
Its not important how they call it. When I play GW I notice its no MMORPG. That's the only thing that counts for me. My own experiences. And that's why I still post: Hoping they will change in into a real MMORPG one day
I bet if you took a poll the mmorpgs would win it. This is like the debate over whether Diablo 2 is an rpg. The ole pnp tabletop gamers swear that it is not. But, 2 million other people+ say it is.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
I bet if you took a poll the mmorpgs would win it. This is like the debate over whether Diablo 2 is an rpg. The ole pnp tabletop gamers swear that it is not. But, 2 million other people+ say it is.
GW exhibits few, if any, characteristics of a typical MMO. This is because it isn't one. Let it go.
Murder In China
Guild Wars is more like Diablo 2.
Originally Posted by Kakumei
To use a classic example, everyone thought the world was flat.
ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain talks us through the next chapter in NCsoft's Guild Wars saga
3 Feb 06 "When we announced Guild Wars back in early 2003," explains ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain, "we made a promise to gamers that we were going to change the online RPG industry." It's a lofty claim, but the original Guild Wars' million-strong following clearly demonstrates that ArenaNet's dedication to content-driven, subscription fee-free MMORPGing has reaped rewards for the developer and publisher NCsoft.
Now I can rest my case for all those that keep claiming it's not a mmorpg. (smile)
the part you failed to bold (which i did) is his quote.
the part you bolded is the words of the interviewer who is unwilling to accept that something new has arrived or is simply putting it into a nitch his readers can grasp as a lable.
if you are going to try to make a point by quoting a person QUOTE THE PERSON AND DONT PUT ANOTHER PERSONS WORDS IN HIS MOUTH.
ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain talks us through the next chapter in NCsoft's Guild Wars saga
3 Feb 06 "When we announced Guild Wars back in early 2003," explains ArenaNet co-founder Jeff Strain, "we made a promise to gamers that we were going to change the online RPG industry." It's a lofty claim, but the original Guild Wars' million-strong following clearly demonstrates that ArenaNet's dedication to content-driven, subscription fee-free MMORPGing has reaped rewards for the developer and publisher NCsoft.
Now I can rest my case for all those that keep claiming it's not a mmorpg. (smile)
the part you failed to bold (which i did) is his quote.
the part you bolded is the words of the interviewer who is unwilling to accept that something new has arrived or is simply putting it into a nitch his readers can grasp as a lable.
if you are going to try to make a point by quoting a person QUOTE THE PERSON AND DONT PUT ANOTHER PERSONS WORDS IN HIS MOUTH.
Originally Posted by Dyeane
Also, that was an EXAMPLE. Even if that particular fallacy wasn't as widespread as it's made out to be, there ARE such fallacies throughout history.
And it's moot anyway. I don't know anyone who would say that just because a lot of people believe something makes it true.
rpg is realy subjective to the person...
some players dont see lots of bowing and words like 'Thee' and 'Forsooth' and say its not roleplaying....others see the fact that you level up, have a range of skills and fight against monsters and call it roleplay...
some PnP peeps miss the roleplay talk and thus, class it as a simple masivle multiplayer, others of us see the *potential* for roleplay and clas it as such
the masively multiplayer comes not fro the amount of individual players per area, but from the fact that so many players can be on at the same time..just in different districts, i mean, i can talk to anyone in any server, so long as i know there name, right....
it is true, however, that most players just talk normal and dont roleplay much, if at all, but that doesnt mean theres not the ability to roleplay...just depends on your definition....i used to see places where RP was designated as using *cough* and *thinks* a lot.....same can be done here lol
some players dont see lots of bowing and words like 'Thee' and 'Forsooth' and say its not roleplaying....others see the fact that you level up, have a range of skills and fight against monsters and call it roleplay...
some PnP peeps miss the roleplay talk and thus, class it as a simple masivle multiplayer, others of us see the *potential* for roleplay and clas it as such
the masively multiplayer comes not fro the amount of individual players per area, but from the fact that so many players can be on at the same time..just in different districts, i mean, i can talk to anyone in any server, so long as i know there name, right....
it is true, however, that most players just talk normal and dont roleplay much, if at all, but that doesnt mean theres not the ability to roleplay...just depends on your definition....i used to see places where RP was designated as using *cough* and *thinks* a lot.....same can be done here lol
Eternal Equinox
This can be debated one hundred times over, Guild Wars isn't an MMO. I don't see what's so hard to understand about that. It's just about as linear as it gets, missions are in instances and there's your occasional sidequests. That's not MMO.
David Lionmaster
am i the only one here who doesnt care what type of game its called??? i mean, this is the stupidest argument ever, its a fun game and i have fun playing it. thats all that matters.
Eternal Equinox
Originally Posted by David Lionmaster
am i the only one here who doesnt care what type of game its called??? i mean, this is the stupidest argument ever, its a fun game and i have fun playing it. thats all that matters.
Originally Posted by David Lionmaster
am i the only one here who doesnt care what type of game its called??? i mean, this is the stupidest argument ever, its a fun game and i have fun playing it. thats all that matters.
elitism or snobbery? let people call it what they like, its only a game
Originally Posted by David Lionmaster
am i the only one here who doesnt care what type of game its called??? i mean, this is the stupidest argument ever, its a fun game and i have fun playing it. thats all that matters.
Legendary Battousai
13 year olds like to practice their argumentative skills
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
If I always play solo how is it a "cooperative" game? And if you say it was "designed" to be cooperative then how come they allow solo ability??
Mandy Memory
It doesnt matter, most people are going to call this an MMO no matter what. It clearly isnt, but if they always call it a CORPG they are going to lose some possible players.
Eternal Equinox
Originally Posted by Legendary Battousai
13 year olds like to practice their argumentative skills