Farming in Elona Problems?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Has anyone experienced a reduced drop rate when fighting minotaurs?

Ive been fighting these guys for 5 consistent runs with only 1 drop. A group usually tends to about 10-12 minotaurs in size and before yesterday, I'd always get a load of drops.

Did A-Net nerf this place or something?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

in exile


5 consistent runs

theres your problem

you almost definely triggered the anti farming code

try doing elona, then a different area, then a nother area, and then mabye coming back to elona


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005


Theres a... anti farming code?

Well I've tried doing griffon runs but it's not much different. I get 2 iridescent wings and thats it. From a group of 10 griffs in a run.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




Well, I never heard of that. I always farmed hydras with my necro. I do it all the time. Never expierenced something like less drops. I don't really believe in this anti farming code, but I can be true though. I never farm minotaurs.


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005



It's very true... turn hints on and youll see... btw- to reset missions anti farm code just re-complete the mission


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Ok, thanks.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Hi, this probably sounds a little crazy but is it possible for me to become stuck in the antifarm code?

I used to have a good time farming Mino's and Griffons with the odd gold drop and some nice purples that I could salvage for upgrades, now I get white drops - and not even max damage, very poor to be honest.

I was told it was some anti farm code and to try somewhere else, which I did with the same results, white drops, so I tried a few other places, Sorrows Furnace, Ettins, Mountain Trolls and even Ice Imps, all with the same results someone else said to do a mission or two then try again - I did the whole Fire Island missions and tried again, still the same :? - so im wondering now if it could be a few things, am I stuck in some antifarm net? I don't think I overdid it before, yet I see people posting about their great drops in all these places - or have I had some sort of 'bar' put on my client to regulate drops? (really I cant remember the last gold that dropped for me) or am I being paranoid and drops are bad all over for everyone else? or is it some nerf to stop people having too much money when the expansion comes out?

All I want is money for armor, if I cant farm for it im not sure how im going to get it



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005



Originally Posted by HDS
It's very true... turn hints on and youll see... btw- to reset missions anti farm code just re-complete the mission
hmm, how do u turn hints on

I could farm the desert outside augury for griffins 10 times in a row, and get steady 2-3 purples each run, with gold drops every 2-3 run, and most monsters almost always drop something, I guess sometimes its just random luck

Jay the Jake

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

central United States



same here I still get drops from Minotaur. I am the horn king I think. But on a griffon run (I clear all the devourers and minotaur to btw) fm the griffon i get 1k and about every 3rd or 4th run I will get a gold. Of the golds I get about 15% of them turn out to be sometime worthwhile the rest are junk like 11% below 50, stuff like yeah its random cuz I know ppl they have gotten some really nice items and they farm same area and same amount as me.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005




Some ppl here say that there is a anit-farm code and some ppl say that there isn't. Farming always worked for me, never had to deal with some kind of anti-farming code, but HDS said it was very true.
Can anyone prove if the anti-farming code is true or not...


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005

well i farmed griffons the other night getting A LOT of drops EACH run.. gold, purples, blues and then I was telling my friend about it and he had barely anything while farming the same area. The next night i farmed that place, i barely got anything.. i mean... 1 purple and the rest were whites, so I'm not sure if this was just random or what..



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005



As others have already pointed out, there is anti-farming code added to the game. If you turn on hints, you may eventually get the popup, stating something along the lines of obtaining better drops if you try “fighting mobs in ” other areas. (I’ve only saw this popup once, and so do not recall the exact wording.)

If you search this and other GW forums, you will see a lot of speculation as to what triggers this code and suggestive ways to get around it.

Speculation as to what triggers the code, have include, but not limited to:
-Constantly visiting the same area
-Fighting the same type of mobs
-What activity all your characters are doing (e.g. are they farming too?)
-Solo-farming (with/without henchies)
Obvious suggested tactics to the above, include:
-Visiting 3-4 other zones before returning to the original farming area
-Fight different type of mobs
-Complete some missions/quests with other players
-Do something else with the other characters on your account
-Team farming with live players

Frankly, I’d say team farming is probably the way to go.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005


Us Are Not [leet]


The only thing that I have found that triggers this is farming the same mobs in the same area repeatedly. Simple ways to avoid this are to make your farming run cover 3-4 different areas, or kill everything in the zone.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Personal observation: I don't farm same area enough times to get the anti-farming mesage, but it's just a matter or luck whether or not I get good drops. I solo farm and have no problem getting good drops, most of the time.

Reverend Jekyll

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

The Army of None (AON)


My routine is this:

Empty inventory (including cash) before each run.

Farm Griffons, vendoring everything at the end of each run, deposit whatever gold you made in storage.
When I stop depositing over 1p per run, I move on to an extended hydra run (30-40 minutes, 100+ hydras killed).
When I'm done that run I head over to elona's, farming mino's till they stop dropping anything.
At the end of it all I pay someone 750-1000 to run the mish for me and start all over again.

Who knows if there's anti-farm code or not. All I know is that as soon as that shield pops for Elona Reach the Griffs start dropping gold weapons again.