First time soloing!!!
Ulivious The Reaper
Well for now its only one picture, too lazy to crop the other 2 but i'll get to it... well here it is
trolls arent anything impresive.. lol well its your first time ill give ya that u'll learn to see your lucky if you get 1 gold drop every 10 troll runs
Ulivious The Reaper
lol yeh, i've also been doing griffons, they're relatively easy aside form the scorpians, but i've only had this game for a month and i personally think its a big accomplishment
Jiao Yang
i would be proud... it took my ages to get to completing this game with 1 char as it is my first MMORPG or major RPG for that matter so i took ages looking around every place and doing pointless stuff. It was fun tho
Mountain trolls arnt hard but they arnt easy too... especially for a newer player.
Mountain trolls arnt hard but they arnt easy too... especially for a newer player.
PSSSSS..... Drop mark of protection for healing hands, take out the points in prot prayers and put points into axe mastery or smiting to take them down faster. Also, cant see your armor, but glads with one peice of knights is the best armor, if you dont ahve that.
healing hands got me past 3 tiger axes in random arenas when everyone else was down, guess it works just as well for trolls
serious healing overkill.
the core of my troll/gryph farm build :
bonetti - cyclone - galds defence - vigorous spirit - mending - live vicariously
add 2 skills to beat bosses faster (dismember and executioners work like a charm on troll warrior boss, disrupting chop and wild blow can kill the ranger boss)
grats on your first solo, there's plenty of room for improvement though
the core of my troll/gryph farm build :
bonetti - cyclone - galds defence - vigorous spirit - mending - live vicariously
add 2 skills to beat bosses faster (dismember and executioners work like a charm on troll warrior boss, disrupting chop and wild blow can kill the ranger boss)
grats on your first solo, there's plenty of room for improvement though
Jay the Jake
yeah gratz on 1st solo. by your energy bar i would say u dont have gladiators armor. i started out with knights armor & after talking with some guildies i got the stuff together to get a set of glads. Since i have gotten the glads I have seen a big difference. So i recommend getting a set of glads too, but also keep your knights armor. I also see your running 3 enchantments which is giving u -1 regen. Balth Spirit gives you energy w/ each strike and increases your adrenaline recharge. But you have Bonettis stance which gives you back energy for each missed melee. I would drop Balth spirit and use either Glads Defense or Dismember. But again gratz on 1st solo run.
Wow you solo build? Good work get in line for your free high-five! (You are currently number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,001th in line)
I have nothing against solo builds, I do however have everything against solo build brag threads.
I have nothing against solo builds, I do however have everything against solo build brag threads.
screw mending screw balt spirit screw mark of protection
get glads defense and bon defense lvl 14 tactics for 11 seconds
a vampiric weapon, live vicariously, vigorous sprit, lvl 8 healing, thats 19 life per hit and with cyclone axe and a mess of melee mobs thats fully healed
and try to get 12 axe mastery so you can do some damage with cyclone axe and whatever adrenaline skills to help kill bosses, i uses penetrating and disrupting chop, disrupting chop is needed for that annoying ranger boss
if you are talented like me, you can get the big mob in the main chamber the smaller mob behind them, and both bosses in one fell swoop
get glads defense and bon defense lvl 14 tactics for 11 seconds
a vampiric weapon, live vicariously, vigorous sprit, lvl 8 healing, thats 19 life per hit and with cyclone axe and a mess of melee mobs thats fully healed
and try to get 12 axe mastery so you can do some damage with cyclone axe and whatever adrenaline skills to help kill bosses, i uses penetrating and disrupting chop, disrupting chop is needed for that annoying ranger boss
if you are talented like me, you can get the big mob in the main chamber the smaller mob behind them, and both bosses in one fell swoop
Ulivious The Reaper
thanks guys, i'll look for a vampiric axe, i've just stuck with this one because i've used it since i got it outa a chest in ascalon... it was maxdamage and rare, i just added a few mods to it and its been fine
Malchior Devenholm
taht one may b a bit complicated ulivious
stick with the old mending+live vic+cyclone+bonettis *use vig spirit if u want 2*
No prot stuff, replace mark with glads def, and put those attributes in prot elsewhere
Take some axe killing stuff, along with disrupting chop and dolyak signet, with dolyak u can continue past the trolls and take on the tundra giants
stick with the old mending+live vic+cyclone+bonettis *use vig spirit if u want 2*
No prot stuff, replace mark with glads def, and put those attributes in prot elsewhere
Take some axe killing stuff, along with disrupting chop and dolyak signet, with dolyak u can continue past the trolls and take on the tundra giants