When i open any other pages, everything is ok, but when i open guildwarsguru page cpu usage goes up 33%, i open 1 more thread in new window, usage goes up ~60%, 3rd thread in new page - cpu usage ~100%

Any ideas whats wrong and how to fix it?
Originally Posted by kvndoom
This whole thread is SO going to get deleted. Mmm...
Originally Posted by kvndoom
This whole thread is SO going to get deleted. Mmm...
Omega X
Originally Posted by Josh
Says who? Why?
Originally Posted by Omega X
Because you have stated that you willingly blocked their ads.
ANYWAY, what version of Firefox and Flash do you have because I don't get that issue in and Flash 8. The max usage is 50% for those ads on the front page with a mobile Sempron 2800+ and 3 tabs open. Did you scan for Spyware, adware? |
Omega X
Originally Posted by kvndoom
Some FLash ads (not all, but there are some doozies out there) are poorly coded and can suck the life out of a CPU (this pertains to the Opera and Firefox plugin- IE uses a different plugin which is much more efficient for some reason). The best thing to do when you get such an ad is just report it to Inde or a moderator so they can look into it. It can be as simple as them telling the advertiser about the problem, and perhaps they'll optimize the ad.