Ok i just decided to upgrade my memory to 1gb (don't worry its DDR 2700 )
I saw this card: "RADEON 9200SE 128MB" for £30, at the memory place i'm going to buy from, so just wondering whether its worth it?
I'm bascially using a GeForce 4 MX integrated - when i load the login screen, it seems to look good (since i can only use 800*600 resolution due to stupid monitor lol)
I'm unlikely to buy anything else, so just wondering, whether its worth it?
Worth Upgrading?
Principa Discordia
You'll notice a massive improvement in the Radeon 9200 over your onboard graphics chip.
Alright - guess i'll be dishing out £30 then
Will the 9200 beable to handle A-AS?
Will the 9200 beable to handle A-AS?
Serafita Kayin
Probably not, but as they say, mileage may vary. Try it and see.
Principa Discordia
I assume that by A-AS you mean antialiasing? To be honest, I don't think that it will, but I've not tried it with that particular card in this particular game.
Which is a better card though? Geforce 4 MX or a 9200 SE?
speaking non-intergral that is
speaking non-intergral that is
the MX line has only GF2 features meaning it will not render the special effects that are made using direct x 8/9
the se / le models use a crippled 64 bit interface
the 9200 is direct x 8/9 compliant so it will show those effects
the se / le models use a crippled 64 bit interface
the 9200 is direct x 8/9 compliant so it will show those effects