GW Auction


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005

Does ne one else here seem to find the GW Auction page a little useless? I mean u post something on it and no one bids. I often see very few Auctions that actually have a bid on it. The setup is great and the idea is wonderful, but its a little useless if no one uses it!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

A Galaxy Far Far Away


I have used the Auction site and still do, one of the problems is that some people seriously over price their items resulting in no bids being made.

I, like most people mainly buy in game coz it's easier to haggle.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005


Purple Puzycats


I love the site! I have sold more there then I did in the regular sell forum.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


I think far too many items are extremely overpriced on the auction. I usually only get a good laugh when I look for something.



Ancient Windbreaker

Join Date: May 2005

Agree. Too many overpriced items. My theory, start low and bids will go up if the item is worth it.



Black Beast of Aarrrrgghh

Join Date: May 2005

The Netherlands

The Biggyverse [PLEB] // Servants of Fortuna [SoF]

It's a great addition.
simple as that.

Pevil Lihatuh

Pevil Lihatuh

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Apr 2005

Yorkshire, UK


Maybe you're trying to sell somethign no one wants? I've found it great for selling a sup death rune and a couple sup prot runes, but no one wanted the weapons i had. Unless its perfect or a very rare rune, no one wants anything. But I love it, I refuse to be one of the lame spammers who sits in LA using local chat to annoy the hell outta everyone



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


I actually have done very well on the auction site - it just depends on what you are trying to sell in my opinion, for example i cannot sell unidentifieds on there - which is something a lot of people like, but i have no problems selling green or gold items.


Site Contributor

Join Date: Dec 2004

There are a lot of people with 50+ feedbacks and I've seen some as high as 80. Can't be that unsuccesful with over 2000+ auctions, 8600+ users and a good amount of users with over 50 completed transactions since it opened less than 2 months ago. We also have about 50-100 people signing up daily for the auction site. I can find close to a hundred users with over 60 feedback. Which would mean more than 1 transaction a day completed on the auction system for them.



Join Date: Apr 2005

While I am certainly biased, I have made good experiences with the auction site. I usually offer items beginning at 1 gold. My auctions always run for 1 week, and I set a reserve price that I consider reasonable (e.g. 50% of the respective prices in the guide threads in the price check forum).

This may appear strange, but the fact is that auctions that outright ask for 1 million gold are not so interesting, right? You look at them, go "Bah!" , and move on.

In my case, despite the 1 gold starting offers on all auctions, I got offers including roughly 11K for the crimson carpace shield and 75K for a bow. In addition, I found most items that I needed to buy at a very reasonable price (except that insightful staff head, of course, that went from a couple K way past 30K the last time I checked ). All in all, I think it has been good for me, and I am happy that I don’t have to spend my hours in Lion’s Arch.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: May 2005

in the midline


It's just like guild wars itself. it is only as good as its users.

Sometimes you want to smack people's faces for being so stupid in Guild Wars. On auction page you want to smack people for not joining.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Sep 2005

For me the Auctions has been a great adition (Period)!

I have now around +56 Feedback, meaning i've sold around 70 items/weapons on there (since not every buyer leaves feedback).

If wasn't the auction system, i'm sure most of the things i've sold will be to the merchant cause i have no time to sit in LA or other places, triyng to sell stuff.

I have sold almost every item/weapon in there, some takes more time then others but in the end all goes. It just a question of a fair or good price.

Great place to sell stuff, believe me. But don't overpriced stuff or you get nothing. Use search and see the values of comparable items/weapons, and make your price.
For instance I've seen people selling Candy Canes at 500-600g each (in packs), and i've seen people selling them at 1000g each (in packs), what would happens in this case? You can buy it in the game easily for 600g, so who will buy it (today) at 1000g in the Auctions System???



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Originally Posted by riddler251
Does ne one else here seem to find the GW Auction page a little useless? I mean u post something on it and no one bids. I often see very few Auctions that actually have a bid on it. The setup is great and the idea is wonderful, but its a little useless if no one uses it!
GWguru Auction is good. Here is what I do to get the most out of the auction system:

1. Start bidding at the same price as the NPC Merchant would buy them.
2. Make bid incraments low. I set bid increments a 20g. One guys said he start a 1g and is selling stuff for 11k in the end
3. No reserve pricing or buy it now stuff. Just sell it for what ever you sell it for. Some ppl do a reasonable reserve which is okay. But some put the "buy it now" on and what's the point in runnign an auction if you put "buy it now"? Just sell it outright.

I figure if you sell your item for even one gold more than the NPC then you've made a profit. This method will save you time and stress. I see ppl selling an item only worth 1k for 8k and then get frustrated because they can't sell the item. If the item is worth a lot ppl pay a lot.

I've seen 30k items sell that didn't have "buy it now" or "reserves". When you put "buy it now" or "reserve" ppl don't know if you're asking an honest price. That's why you see 30k items which don't sell. Trust the free trade system. If the item is worth 30k ppl will buy it for 30k without all the reserve crap.

When you take out the "buy it now" and "reserves" it gives buyers a sense the control. And you are more likely to sell something if the buyer feels he has control vs. if the seller is the one in control.