Vizier Bugs (possible spoiler)
Very late one night neither me or my friend could sleep he volunteered to help my ele with THK. During the siege (stone summit attack part), we noticed a mysterious guest had come to join us...
He didnt do anything and vanished the moment jalis said the mantle are coming (coward!) so we lol-ed and thought nothing of it. Then on abaddons with my nec during the bit where you kill the non threatening titan we found the same thing but even more baffling:
no idea how hes in both forms at once (oh and lich is invincible btw, all damage is -0 and with -8 degen he wasnt going down).
He didnt do anything and vanished the moment jalis said the mantle are coming (coward!) so we lol-ed and thought nothing of it. Then on abaddons with my nec during the bit where you kill the non threatening titan we found the same thing but even more baffling:
no idea how hes in both forms at once (oh and lich is invincible btw, all damage is -0 and with -8 degen he wasnt going down).
a w/mo using frenzy made it to abaddons mouth?
Originally Posted by Dahnel
a w/mo using frenzy made it to abaddons mouth?
No thats Photoshop.

Murder In China
Two April Mornings
I'm sorry... did I miss the memo saying Frenzy was nerfed or something?
@ the OP: I've never seen the Vizier in THK before... freaky.
@ the OP: I've never seen the Vizier in THK before... freaky.
apparently I am the only one who watched the THK cutscenes that CLEARLY have the Vizier in them? or do I have him mistaken for someone else. Also he shows up in abaddon's mouth and casts a spirit that gives you 50% skill recharge and speed.
Originally Posted by Mavrik
apparently I am the only one who watched the THK cutscenes that CLEARLY have the Vizier in them? or do I have him mistaken for someone else. Also he shows up in abaddon's mouth and casts a spirit that gives you 50% skill recharge and speed.
No you're right. He's in the cutscenes- don't worry I watch the cool cutscenes too.

Murder In China
Vizier is always in the Cut-scene for Thunderhead Keep.
Vermilion Okeanos
Uuuuhhh.... Didn't know he got an evil twin @_@
Originally Posted by Mavrik
apparently I am the only one who watched the THK cutscenes that CLEARLY have the Vizier in them? or do I have him mistaken for someone else. Also he shows up in abaddon's mouth and casts a spirit that gives you 50% skill recharge and speed.
yes, he gives you the cool skill, but thats at the vizer, hes not the lich yet, so thats odd that he just popped up like that.
The vizier is the lich in disguise. It's not like opening the door turned him evil...though it gave him the idea, "I can reveal my identity now, I r teh invincible titan command0r now, idc if they know."
I never witnessed the keep bug, but the one in abbadon is frequent.
I never witnessed the keep bug, but the one in abbadon is frequent.
Yea Its always good to know that we are the villians of the story.... Stupid Humans... Thats why the Charr was sent to kill us all to begin with.... lol
The titans probably helped the charr, by giving them the power to start the searing. The searing would set the flameseeker prophecies in motion - it would drive us to Kryta, make us give the scepter to lichie, and so on...
The charr worship the titans in ways. I think they only wanted to attack us to drive us to the door of komalie or as a way of saying "YOU IDIOTS GO TO THE FRIGGIN DOOR!!!!!!".
In ways though, the mantle and mursaat are good guys. They only do all this insanity to prevent all hell from breaking loose with the titans' freedom.
The charr worship the titans in ways. I think they only wanted to attack us to drive us to the door of komalie or as a way of saying "YOU IDIOTS GO TO THE FRIGGIN DOOR!!!!!!".
In ways though, the mantle and mursaat are good guys. They only do all this insanity to prevent all hell from breaking loose with the titans' freedom.
Lady Lozza
lol strange, thnx for the screenies.

Vermilion Okeanos
Mursaat and mantle murdered countless chosens to keep titan in, that make them no different from titan. Not only that, they use trickery such as "chosen" to trick people into going with them. If anything, Charr probably knew of the prophecy as well. Hence they are willing to mass up a force to attack human in order to trigger the prophecy that lead to their God (titan)'s release.
Mursaat tried and failed, if only they knew the chosen are so powerful that they can take down titan as well.
Chapter 3: Return of Mursaat
doubt it, I do wish to play as mursaat or centaurs for a change thou.
Mursaat tried and failed, if only they knew the chosen are so powerful that they can take down titan as well.
Chapter 3: Return of Mursaat

frenzy aint that bad.. most stuff deals -0 to-2 to warriors.. so is double that really so painful?
well unlike in PvP, mobs in PvE will attack wars and in the later mission mobs hit HARD, and using frenzy just makes it that much harder for the monk(s) to do their job, that same warrior prolly yells at the monks for "letting him die"
The same thing happened to me the other day, he was just sitting there watchig the battle while we were struggling to kill those mofo's 
but after that he just did his thing and left

but after that he just did his thing and left
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
well unlike in PvP, mobs in PvE will attack wars and in the later mission mobs hit HARD, and using frenzy just makes it that much harder for the monk(s) to do their job, that same warrior prolly yells at the monks for "letting him die"
im always yelling at the people who say that. (i'm the warrior in question)
A: yes i use frenzy so what?
B: I know when im attacked aint there something like a health bar which becomes less full when your under attack?????
C: I do adrenaline spikes and i only use frenzy for that
D: You don't know my skill bar
E: I Play this game for 6/7 months now
F: I practically finished the game whit all professions (deleted some at abadons cuz i was tired of them.)
G: Practice more then you'll learn to appreciate Frenzy in PvE
H: It was at the very end of the freaking mission so it didn't mattered anymore
I: I barely used frenzy during that mission
J: Any more questions?
K: Thank you
L: Good Bye
M: Have fun while playing this game
im always yelling at the people who say that. (i'm the warrior in question)
A: yes i use frenzy so what?
B: I know when im attacked aint there something like a health bar which becomes less full when your under attack?????
C: I do adrenaline spikes and i only use frenzy for that
D: You don't know my skill bar
E: I Play this game for 6/7 months now
F: I practically finished the game whit all professions (deleted some at abadons cuz i was tired of them.)
G: Practice more then you'll learn to appreciate Frenzy in PvE
H: It was at the very end of the freaking mission so it didn't mattered anymore
I: I barely used frenzy during that mission
J: Any more questions?
K: Thank you
L: Good Bye
M: Have fun while playing this game
Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
using frenzy just makes it that much harder for the monk(s) to do their job"
yeah but emma the protector ftw (nobody dies. ever.)
frenzy rocks.. as long as you cancel it when you start taking damage
7th char through abaddons, and decided to run for the other side to see if it would do it again, and yup...
and yes, that is me, haxxing my way through fire islands with lvl 18. woot.
and yes, that is me, haxxing my way through fire islands with lvl 18. woot.
keldean rainmaker
how do you cancel this cancelation is like use another stance?i just dont get it..
Thread necromancery ohsiiii..
anyway, you cancel frenzy by using another stance.
anyway, you cancel frenzy by using another stance.