should levels of enemies in pve depend on the level of those in your party?
The Great Al
I was thinking about when chapter 2 comes out, there will be a lot of people with their level 20 characters going through the new pve map, and for the most part, it will probably be incredibly easy. I was thinking that maybe the level of the monsters in area should depend on maybe the average level of your party, or possibly dependent only on the highest level of your party. This will not only make the game probably a little harder, but will make it a lot harder for level 20 characters to just run their guildmates throughout the game. I think this should also be implemented in chapter 1. Any comments or suggestions?
I'm quite certain ANet has already taken level into consideration when creating characters for Ch2.
Soul Shaker
I don't think so...can you imagine a lvl 5 or so fighting in thunderhead? And winning?!?!?! The missions are there for a level category and that's it.
The Great Al
i'm not so sure you understand...i meant when level 20 characters fight their way through the very beginning maps. in chapter 1 i guess it was mainly to help their guild mates get through the game, but for chapter 2 they will be going through the ENTIRE map as a level 20 if they don't make a new char, so i don't think there should be a set level for monsters, especially in the early part of the game. imagine a level 20 PUG's surprise when they find out they'll be fighting level 20 monsters in the very first chapter 2 area! of course, a level one group would fight level 1 chars, and it would somehow average out for a mixed group
Not exactly sure how they would go about implementing this, but I rather like the idea and definitely agree. I, myself, have several lvl 20 chars and do not look forward to being able to breeze through most of Factions fighting low level monsters.
Not exactly sure how they would go about implementing this, but I rather like the idea and definitely agree. I, myself, have several lvl 20 chars and do not look forward to being able to breeze through most of Factions fighting low level monsters.
I have a feeling acsended crossover characters will have a different path for the first say 1/4 of the game. After all it doesn't take that long to get to lvl 20 (I was there about halfway through kryta)
I sure hope so!
/not signed
I occasionally help out newbies to GW through the early Ascalon missions and areas. All of my characters also happen to be L20s with the full 200 attribute points. While my characters make the low level critters die real fast, it would be deeply unfair to the lowbie player to make them face L20+ creatures just because I happen to be L20.
I occasionally help out newbies to GW through the early Ascalon missions and areas. All of my characters also happen to be L20s with the full 200 attribute points. While my characters make the low level critters die real fast, it would be deeply unfair to the lowbie player to make them face L20+ creatures just because I happen to be L20.
/not signed. I fully agree with jciardha. And also, I think I heard some where that lvl20 chars from ch. 1 would only have access to post-ascension (or the equivelant in GW factions) areas of factions anyway. Not entirely sure tho.
I don't think the suggestion is needed. My understanding is ANet designed Ch1 knowing that for PvE everyone would be starting at lvl1. But if you read ANet's comments regarding subsequent chapters, they know most people will be "starting" at lvl20 and they've designed the PvE with that in mind. So where as in Ch1 non-lvl20 content made up about 60% of the game, I would expect non-lvl20 content to be significant less for future chapters.
The Great Al
Originally Posted by jciardha
/not signed
I occasionally help out newbies to GW through the early Ascalon missions and areas. All of my characters also happen to be L20s with the full 200 attribute points. While my characters make the low level critters die real fast, it would be deeply unfair to the lowbie player to make them face L20+ creatures just because I happen to be L20. |
i think i heard something about mission difficulty were you can choose how hard it is or something i dont know, but i dont agree to this cause then thered be no reason to level cause a level 2 could beat The Ring of Fire misions
Originally Posted by Rilder
i think i heard something about mission difficulty were you can choose how hard it is or something i

they already stated there will be an area equivalent to presear where a new character will start out.
ascended people can use that as a fast tutorial and get out quickly beginners can take their time and get some levels
think about people who buy chapter 2 without chapter 1 at all.
there has to be a presearing equivalent for them
I believe ch2 content would be different if you're using ch1 char than ch2 (to a certain extent). This would be the simplest way around it for ch2 2 upto ascension would differ for ch1 chars but after that i believe it would just be the same.
Fungus Amongus
Pretty much anything about Chapter 2 is just speculation. Why not just wait and see?
/Not signed
I hope they are not starting us lv20 characters in chapter 2 against the same high lv enemies we fought against in chapter 1's ending. Plus I also like to help people out with early missions. How unfair is it to them to be helping them out yet we're fighting enemies strong enough to kill them in one hit.
I hope they are not starting us lv20 characters in chapter 2 against the same high lv enemies we fought against in chapter 1's ending. Plus I also like to help people out with early missions. How unfair is it to them to be helping them out yet we're fighting enemies strong enough to kill them in one hit.
chap 2. is a stand alone product, so whatever happens in chapter 2 might not happen in chap 1. So as long as this affects chapter 2 only, then..... /signed
I'm not usually one to give such negative feedback but this has to be one of the worst thought out ideas ive ever heard. All it would do is make people stop doing quests, stop trying to get bonus's, stop doing anything that would get them extra experience, so that they wont have to fight higher level monsters.
it would crap all over the games structure and completely inbalance everything. What is there to fight for if you are never going to meet something you cant beat!
i apologise if i've misunderstood but basically you are rendering the entire level system useless.
You get stronger = enemies get stronger
You dont get stronger = enemies never present more of a threat
Please let me know if ive got this wrong i dont want to appear like im jumping at a chance to complain.
it would crap all over the games structure and completely inbalance everything. What is there to fight for if you are never going to meet something you cant beat!
i apologise if i've misunderstood but basically you are rendering the entire level system useless.
You get stronger = enemies get stronger
You dont get stronger = enemies never present more of a threat
Please let me know if ive got this wrong i dont want to appear like im jumping at a chance to complain.
/not signed
yes, theres the fact that the game areas are instanced, but if you take a party of 4, 2 lvl20 ans 2 lvl 5 to an area, you do realise that the WHOLE area is going to spawn level20 peeps monters?
this used to slow down areas of neverwinter (yes, i know its not neverwinter, yes i know you dont run into peoples backspawns) would be running into your own backspawns once the 20 lvl guys got out of range, not to mention that the AI seems to make them go for the weakest memebers of the group first, meaning the lowest levels sometimes.
it might work in certain areas, perhaps the equivelent of high grade training areas, sorta leet monster hunting grounds, with warnings about it, and get it to percentage up the highest average level, but....
still owchies if you were stupid enough to stumble into there....^^
yes, theres the fact that the game areas are instanced, but if you take a party of 4, 2 lvl20 ans 2 lvl 5 to an area, you do realise that the WHOLE area is going to spawn level20 peeps monters?
this used to slow down areas of neverwinter (yes, i know its not neverwinter, yes i know you dont run into peoples backspawns) would be running into your own backspawns once the 20 lvl guys got out of range, not to mention that the AI seems to make them go for the weakest memebers of the group first, meaning the lowest levels sometimes.
it might work in certain areas, perhaps the equivelent of high grade training areas, sorta leet monster hunting grounds, with warnings about it, and get it to percentage up the highest average level, but....
still owchies if you were stupid enough to stumble into there....^^
Remember Diablo 2? more people join the game and you would get the message "More players have arrived in the game, enemies have gotten stronger" which really sucked for us lower lv players already struggling.
This sounds logical at first, yet I do not want to see lower levels in the same areas as higher level characters.. Yeah, what someone previously mentioned, for example: low levels completing all quests in FoW? (might be a little too far, but meh.)
What I want to know is how Chapter 2 is gonna work..? If I bring a lvl 20 char into Cantha and someone else starts a new character starting in Cantha, then are we expected to have that large lvl difference between us? And then how do we quest..? Level (1-10 or something)'s are expected to complete quests with lvl 20's? Or are we not allowed to bring Prophecies characters into Cantha? (<-- if that was true, it would stink.)
What I want to know is how Chapter 2 is gonna work..? If I bring a lvl 20 char into Cantha and someone else starts a new character starting in Cantha, then are we expected to have that large lvl difference between us? And then how do we quest..? Level (1-10 or something)'s are expected to complete quests with lvl 20's? Or are we not allowed to bring Prophecies characters into Cantha? (<-- if that was true, it would stink.)