another way I have been making some money again is gambling on Unrated matches... How it works is arrange an unrated match with odds normally...
(I Normally invite the opposing team to our guild hall so we can all agree on bets and odds in open) Odds are based on a roll of a die... (this can be done in guild halls and everyone see them as an emote) everyone pools their bets and the odds are recorded...
Then Play the unrated match...
Meet back at hall for winnings...
Warning!!! Requires an honest guild host!!! there is some scam risk in this gambling endeavor... Just as there was with dice before becoming an emote... lol
Now I got a little flack for the "(ock" fighting Stuff with Pets in Team Arenas... so I have not posted this. but i have found it to be a popular side thing to do to make a little money... In the end I make more then I loose normally... I take 8% off the top for running the game... that is normally around 800 to 900 gold per match... rest is given to the winners leader and they divy it up however... If I was REAL efficient we would use a full time guild bookie... but its just a casual thing. we don't do it often. Last game the winning team won around 20k... so that split 8 ways was 2.5k each. Not too bad right? for one GvG practice battle??? and an original stake of 300 gold to play? with a *6/8 Odds modifier, now is it?
How it works...
Each party member makes a bet... amt * 16 = total pot...
then the guy that covers the bets decides odds based on bet... 4 to 8 sided die... /roll # get the odds...
Total Pot * Odds 6/8 = Winning Amount pool.
Winning Amount Pool - (8% overhead) = Final Pot (given to winning leader).
Final Pot / # of real players on winning team (not counting henchies) = each winning party members share...