lvl 30 dragon??
Has anyone else ever seen a level 30 dragon in the game other than glint???..
I think Rotscale is either level 28 or 30. There are some other dragons that are that level too... can't remember where. Use Search- I'm too lazy to find them for you.
Dragon Lich in FoW is lvl30 too i think
ya that rotscale dragon it lvl 30 and he is easy and i mean easy i wet out there once just to see if i could actully find the dragon and i did i thought he was going to be hard but nope his smaller lver lvl minio dragons he had with him where harder then he was
try running from wilds to kryta youll find rotscale
Rayne Nightfyre
Yep, the Dragon Lich in Fissure of Woe is level 30. And it's a tough one to take down too. But of course with a good Mesmer in your party.....
does rotscale drop anything good.. i mean for a level 30. he should right??
he didn't when I killed him...
Vermilion Okeanos
I did remember getting something "so so" from them at majestic rest (2 people party)